chapter three

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Eiji was too busy crying in his lonesome to even realize anyone was near. He was in so much pain, he could only feel that and nothing else.
Sobs began to become more audible as Eiji became more upset.

Eiji wiped his eyes quickly, too tired to keep crying so hard. Under his breath, he whispered. “I hope that you are safe.” In English, his voice trembling.

Unbeknownst to Eiji, the person he yearned to see for two long months stood so closely behind him. Though, had he realized, he’d likely think he was hallucinating.

Eiji stood, wiping his face again so that his family wouldn’t pester him with question. It was around dinner time, now. Eiji’s mum called outside in Japanese. “Eiji! Dinner is ready.”
Sighing, Eiji called back, his voice echoing from right behind of Ash. “One second, mum!” He needed to collect himself. He was a mess.

Ash picked up his bag, he thought he'd try get a hotel room for the night since it was getting late and there was no sign of him finding Eiji that day. Maybe if he found where Ibe worked he could bribe him to let him see Eiji. But now that he thought about it, it didn't seem like the best idea. Ash thought to leave, he didn't want to cause any drama or get Eiji hurt again.

Ash sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He put his hands in his pockets and began walking. Maybe he got the wrong town, that was always a possibility. He was lost in thought, a small frown on his face.  "where are you Eiji..."  he mumbled, moving further away from the other.

Soon enough Ash was close to leaving, but stopped walking once he heard some muffled voices. He didn't understand what they were saying but as soon as he heard the name Eiji he dropped his bag on the floor and started running back, he was out of breath when he got there but smiled, looking over at him. "Eiji!" he shouted, waving his hand at the other male.

Eiji whipped his head quickly in Ash’s direction. Tears were still wet and present on his face. Absolute shock twisted into Eiji’s face, his eyes becoming wider than ever and his mouth becoming slightly ajar.

“Ash...” he whispered once to himself, clearly in disbelief.
Was he imagining this? Was Ash really in Japan? Suddenly he was filled with adrenaline, he had to know if that was really Ash- he had to touch him.

“Ash!!” He called out, getting up quickly, nearly falling a few times as he hastily made his way over. He practically threw himself at Ash in fear that Ash would disappear the moment he got too close.

But he didn’t. He could feel Ash. Ash was there. Eiji began to pour out an abundance of tears, happily. Incoherent, he held onto Ash closely, afraid he would vanish.

Ash was there.. and that was all Eiji needed.

Ash smiled as he saw Eiji look at him, the older male looked different to when he last saw him, but it was a good different.  The two boys stood there staring at each other for what felt like forever. Slight tears ran down the boys cheeks, seeing Eiji again ment so much to him. 

"Eiji..."  he muttered, his mind going someplace else. The boy infront of him did have longer hair, plus a smaller figure. Regardless of the resemblance Ash did start to think he got the wrong person, well that was until he saw the boy coming at him.

Ash immediately wrapped his arms around him, he hugged him tightly and kept him close. Minutes passed and he pulled away, keeping his hands on Eiji's shoulders.  "I would've came the day Sing gave me your letter...but I got held up. I'm so sorry.." his voice was calm, speaking in clear English. he may not of been speaking in Eijis native language, but as long as his friend could understand him that's all that mattered to him.

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