Episode list 3!!!

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I've done the characters so now it's time for the episodes!

I'm really proud of these episodes and I can't wait for you guys to see them!

The Dragon Fan- Night Ninja casts the legendary eternal flame onto Mystery Mountain

The Mysterious Monk/Octobella and Pharaoh Boy- A mysterious monk comes to Mystery Mountain for help with his situation; Octobella and Pharaoh boy work together to take down the PJ Masks

Battle for The Troll Gem- A mysterious warrior come to Mystery Mountain to solve a 1000 year old mystery involving her ancestors

The Crystal Queen- A new girl at the PJ Masks school is revealed to have magical powers

The New Protector of the City- Romeo reveals the truth about the break between their last battle

PJ Mask Purge- A gang of people devote themselves to taking down the PJ Masks

The 5 Elements- Night Ninja uses 5 artifacts to unleash the 5 elements onto the PJ Masks

Pharaoh's Pyramid- Pharaoh boy makes a pyramid to rival the PJ Masks HQ

Darkness- The cause of several events in mystery mountain history comes back for revenge

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