Part 62- Teleported

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At HQ...

Catboy: PJ Robot?

PJ Robot: beep (here)

Catboy: We need you to figure out what power this shell has.

PJ Robot takes the shell and scans it.

Gekko: Does it usually take this long?

Suddenly the shell starts to shake and glow! It floats up and sends a wave of energy at the heroes which teleports them.

Catboy: What? Where are we?

Gekko: I don't know.

Owlette: *Stands up* We're on an island!

Porcupine: What!?

Lemurboy: How did we get out here?

Gekko: Guys look! It's another human!

Catboy: Woah! I though we were the only ones out here! Let's go talk to her!

As the PJ Masks get closer, They start to see that this human is not a human.

Catboy: Huh?

Owlette: Shes a mermaid!

???: Oh hello.

Gekko: Wow! You're a mermaid!

???: Yeah.

Lemurboy: What's your name?

???: Pearl.

Porcupine: That's a nice name!

Pearl: Thanks.

Gekko: So why are you out here?

Owlette: How many other mermaids are there?

Catboy: Do you live in some kind of special palace?

Pearl: I guess you could say that. How did you guys get out here?

Lemurboy: This special shell teleported us out here!

Pearl: That's my shell!

Gekko: Oh sorry. We were studying it and-

Pearl: No i'm glad you have it!

Gekko: Huh?

Pearl: I sent my shell off to find someone special! That special person might be one of you!

Catboy: Really?!

Pearl: or all of you!

Gekko: Wow! why did you send it out to find someone?

Pearl: There is something terrible coming to my kingdom and I needed someone to help me stop this terrible thing from happening! I am a princess and i want my kingdom to be safe!

Owlette: Your a princess too?!

Pearl: Come on! we have to go to my kingdom!

Catboy: We can't go.

Pearl: Oh I forgot that you can't breath underwater. I know!

Pearl touches the foreheads of the PJ Masks

Pearl: There you go!

Gekko: What did you do to us?

Pearl: You'll see! Come on! *jumps in water*

Gekko: Let's follow her!

Catboy: But we can't breath underwater!

Gekko: She did something to us! maybe she gave us the power to breath underwater!

Catboy: I don't know. I think i'll stay up here.

Gekko: Catboy if we still can't breath underwater then we could just swim back up! *throws water at catboy* come on it'll be fine!

Catboy: Ahh! *jumps up*

Gekko: Oh right.

Catboy: *hisses at water*

Gekko: Ok. If you don't wanna come you can stay up here.

Catboy: Ok.

Gekko: Come guys!

Gekko, Owlette, and Porcupine all jump into the water!

Gekko: Bye catboy! Bye lemurboy!

Lemurboy: Bye! *sighs* I hate being paralyzed! *moves arm* It's gone! Yay! Wait up guys! bye Catboy!

Catboy: Bye. *sees crab* What's up

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