Part 13- Hero or Villain?

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Crusher: *punches Luna board causing it to malfunction*

Luna: ahhhh I'll get you next time!

Crusher: see I beat her and it wasn't hard at all

Catboy: that's because she was distracted!

Gekko: if she was actually trying she would have trapped you in a moon bubble!

Crusher: I would have stopped her either way

Gekko: you sure about that


Catboy: after him!

Crusher: *stops running* if I can't be a hero is don't wanna be a hero

Owlette: what do you mean

Catboy: do you not wanna be a hero?

Crusher: I uhhhhhh

Crusher: if it means I can do what I want and crush you then no I don't wanna be a hero

PJMs: *gasps*

Crusher: I'm Crusher the Villain! No That doesn't sound right. Well it's time to crush you pjs! I'm a villain now so get used to it!

Gekko: oh no!

Crusher: *tries to punch gekko*

Gekko: Super Gekko Shields! *blocks* stop this!

Crusher: give me one reason why I should!

Owlette: Owl Wing Wind! *blows crusher away*

Crusher: oof! You'll pay for that!

Catboy: Super Cat Stripes! *wraps stripes around
crusher* Ha!

Crusher: Grrr ahhhh *breaks out of stripes* those stripes are weak! If you wanna stop me you'll need something stronger than that!

Catboy: ok then. Owlette Owl Feathers now!

Owlette: Super Owl Feathers! *wraps crusher with feathers*

Catboy: Super Cat Stripes! *wraps crusher with stripes*

Crusher: even your stripes and these feathers can't stop me *breaks out of stripes and feathers* hahaha *tries to punch Owlette and catboy*

Gekko: watch out! Super Gekko Shields! *blocks*
Crusher: oh you again *picks gekko up by his legs*

Gekko: put me down!!

Crusher: *grabs other PJMs by their legs*

Catboy: What are you doing?

Crusher: I'm doing this! *throws pjs* ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Catboy: ahhhhh *lands* ow

Gekko: how are we gonna stop him?

Catboy: let's go back and stop him

Owlette: we need a plan!

Catboy: fine

The PJMs see Armadylan walking by

Catboy: hey Armadylan!

Armadylan: huh? Oh it's the PJ Masks
Gekko: hey big guy

Armadylan: why are you guys hiding?

Owlette: long story

Catboy: not if you say it fast *takes deep breath* sowemetthisnewguyandhewascrushingstuffsowetoldhimhowtobeaherobuthethoughtweweresayinghecantbeaherosoheturnedintoavillanandweneedyourhelptostophimbecauseheissuperpowerful *breaths heavily* that's what happened

Armadylan: I have no idea what you just said

Owlette: what he's trying to say is that we met a new hero and he turned into a villain

Gekko: and we need your help because he is super powerful

Armadylan: wow! Do you have a plan?

Owlette: I have one

Two minutes later...

Crusher: hmm I need something harder to smash *gasps* that *points at the PJMs HQ*

Catboy: stop right there!

Crusher: ugh you again

Catboy: ready?

PJMs: Super PJ Power!!!!

The PJMs try to use their powers but crusher dodges it

Catboy: oh no

Crusher: *rams pjs* ha

Armadylan: Rolling Thunder

Crusher: Super Rhino Strength! *tries to push Armadylan back* your super strong!

Armadylan: yep

Crusher: but Im stronger!

Armadylan: I need help! I can't believe he's stronger than me

Gekko: I have an idea! Super Gekko Camouflage!

Armadylan: hurry!!

Crusher: just because you can become invisible doesn't mean you can stop me!

Gekko: *pulls crusher backwards causing him to fall over allowing Armadylan to roll over him

Crusher: *groans* ow! I'm gonna make your HQ fall down because you rolled over me!

Catboy: oh no

Crusher: *runs towards HQ preparing to ram into it* Ha ha ha

Catboy: I have a plan *grabs Owlette and gekko's hands* Super Cat Speed! *runs to where crusher is going to crash at* ready?

Gekko: I see what your doing

Owlette: yep we're ready

PJMs: Super PJ Power

The PJMs powers flow through the ground causing the ground to shake

Crusher: *stops running* woah what happening?

Suddenly a big red, green and blue energy ball
shoots through the ground and hits crusher

Crusher: ahhhhhh! What happened *groans*

Catboy: we used our super powers together to stop you
Gekko: that's the power of teamwork *fist bumps catboy*

Crusher: I still will crush you

Armadylan: Rolling Thunder! *rolls into crusher causing him to go flying backwards* ha take that rhino boy!

Crusher: I'll get you next time!

Catboy: he would've been a good hero

Gekko: a very helpful one too

Owlette: yeah I wish he would've listened to us

Armadylan: PJ Masks all shout hooray!

PJMs: cause in the night we save the day!

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