Part 2-Tripped up by the moutain traps

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On the top of the mountain...

Night ninja: Hey Anyu! *throws smoke bomb*

Anyu appears in front of the pagoda

Anyu: what is it night ninja! I REALLY don't want to deal with you right now!

Night ninja: *pops up behind Anyu and pushes her into the traps* take that! Ha ha ha ha ha

Anyu: AHHH *gets thrown up into the air by the traps* ugh this is easy to get out of.

Night ninja: not if you don't have your staff *jump up and tries to take staff*

Catboy: Super Cat Stripes! *grabs night ninja's foot and pulls him down*

Night ninja: oof! Ugh you pj pests

Owlette: owl feathers! *make a barricade around night ninja* take that night ninja

Anyu: good job *flies to the PJM*

Night ninja: this won't stop me *throws smoke bomb and appears in front of the PJM*

The PJ Masks and Anyu: Ahhhh!

Night ninja: Ninjalinos! *Ninjalinos pop out of nowhere and throw Catboy and Gekko in to the traps*

Owlette: *gasps* super owl feathers! *throws feathers at night ninja but he Dodges*

Night ninja: missed me. *throws smoke bomb and appears between Anyu and Owlette*

Owlette: grrrr *throws more feathers but night ninja Dodges again and the feathers hit Anyu and make her drop her staff and fall into the traps*

The Ninjalinos tackle Owlette out of the air.

Night ninja: *grabs staff* ha ha ha Owlette you messed up *uses staff to blow Owlette into the traps*

Anyu: my staff!

Gekko: this is bad really bad!

The PJM get splat thrown at them and they get stuck at the gateway to the summit.

Night ninja: now it's time to get what I've always wanted from this pagoda! Ha ha ha! *opens pagoda* before i go into the pagoda I want to tell you what I'm going to do. I want to see what your faces look like when I tell you what I'm doing. My original plan was to get my revenge on Anyu but blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Back in the city Armadylan is practicing his super moves.

Armadylan: thunder thump! Armadylan style! Huh what's this? *steps in sticky splat* woah! Ugh pesky ninja splat! *gasps* night ninja must be up to something! *follows splat to Mystery Mountain portal* night ninja must be on Mystery Mountain! Now what's that portal thing the PJM do *does hand movements* yes I got it! *rolls to the top of the mountain and sees the PJM and Anyu* oh no the PJM must be in trouble! *quietly rolls towards the pj masks* guys what's going on?

Catboy: Armadylan you came at the right time! Night ninja has Anyu's staff and we can't do anything about it.

Owlette: we need your help!

Armadylan: don't worry *breaks PJM free* HEY NIGHT NINJA!

Night ninja: *gasps* Armadylan!?

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