Part 7- The Villans Win?

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The next night...

Connor: hey guys! Remember the last time we got new powers?

Amaya: I remember! It was a special night

Greg: guys look it's night ninja!

The three look out of Amaya's window and see night ninja.

Connor: pj masks were on our way!

PJMs: into the night to save the day!

(Skipping transformation)

PJMs: The PJ Masks!

Gekko: hey PJ Robot!

Catboy: Do you know where Night Ninja is?

PJ Robot: *beeping noises*

Owlette: He's heading to Mystery Mountain!

The picture player shows Luna girl flying to HQ and Romeo standing by the moat.

Catboy: we have Romeo, Night Ninja and Luna girl to deal with!? How are we gonna stop all of them?

Gekko: I don't know catboy.

Catboy: we might as well split up.

Gekko: split up? But what if they are working together and there're trying to trick us?

Owlette: gekko is right. We can-

Catboy: there're definitely not working together. Why would they?

Owlette: I'm not even gonna explain why.

Gekko: they've worked together before!

Catboy: but this one is probably different ok!

Gekko: ugh fine we'll go with your way

Catboy: let's all take our own vehicles

Owlette: sure! Why not

Catboy gets in his car and zooms off to Mystery Mountain while Owlette flys off to find Luna Girl and gekko goes to find Romeo.

Gekko: where's that Romeo? *gasps* there he is! Hey Romeo! What are you up to!

Hologram Romeo: you'll see. Robot!

Robot tries to grab gekko so gekko tries to jump on his arm. But he's a hologram so gekko falls into the moat

Gekko: ahhh that was a hologram!? I need my gear! *swims under water to get in HQ* PJ Robot! I need my gear!


Owlette: now where is Luna Girl? Owl Eyes! There she is!

Luna Girl: huh? Oh it's Owlette *grabs Owl glider with Luna Magnet and throws*

Owlette: ahhh this is not good. The Owl glider is gonna crash!

Then the Owl glider crashes

Luna Girl: want some more Owlette?

Owlette: grrr

ANOTHER meanwhile...

Catboy: time to see what night ninja is up to *does mystery mountain hand movements* now where is he*gasps* there he is! *falls in splat* oh no! Well at least it's not too sticky. Ugh I need help! *gets out of splat* hey night ninja!

Night Ninja: huh? Ugh what do you want

Catboy: stop whatever it is your doing!

Night Ninja: Ninjalinos! Splat him!

Catboy: ahhh *dodges all splat except for one big splat* not again! I need help!

Back to gekko...

thanks PJ Robot! Now it's time to really find Romeo! Hmmmm where could he be? There! Bye PJ Buddy! Romeo!

Romeo: robot grab him!

Robot grabs gekko and squeezes him

Gekko: AHHHHHHH this really hurts

Robot drops gekko

Gekko: ugh you won't get away with this

Romeo: what's wrong gekko? Feeling weak
Hahahahaha! Now since your weak you can't follow me under the water!

Gekko: yes I can! Just have to get up *falls in moat* ahhhh

Romeo: robot you don't have to come under water. But I do! *grabs gekko with cockpit arms* and you do too gekko!

Gekko: put me down!

Romeo: gladly hahaha *throws gekko out of the water

Gekko: ahhh! Oof! I'm too weak

Romeo: yes you are! Too weak to use your pondweed power too hahaha!

With Owlette...

Owlette: I don't need my Owl glider to stop you! What are you up to?

Luna Girl: well I'm tryna knock down your HQ duh! *makes bubble around her self* and you can't stop me! *crashes into Owlette*

Owlette: ahhhh!

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