Chapter 13

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I hath returned! Sorry about the late update, please don't kill me...

Damian POV

"Damian, who was that man you were with this morning?"

Nope, nope, nope, nuh uh, not happening. This isn't happening. No. This is just a hallucination. With the run in with Nightwing, I must be subconsciously paranoid. Yep, that's it. And with everything that's happened with CJ, I couldn't even give a thought to being sighted and now my brain is just reminding me. 

Either that or this is all a dream. A horrible nightmare. But that means that everything that's happened with CJ was a dream as well. Maybe this is a nightmare that is punishing me for liking both CJ and Shadow and my mind is trying to say that they're the same person so it's okay to like both. Okay that's a little too far. Maybe I'm just so tired that I fell asleep somewhere.

"Damian, is everything okay?" Well that brought me out of my thoughts. 

Fantasy or not, I still have to deal with the man in black in front of me (I couldn't resist). Best to play it dumb.

"Um, excuse me but...who are you?" Okay, maybe not that dumb (I couldn't resist this one either).

"....."Silence huh? That's reasonable, "Damian, are you okay?"

"...If you count seeing some random furry break into my home as okay then yeah, I'm just dandy," no point being polite to the person who broke into my house, even if he's my father.

"...."Silence again? Oh right, father is not a very talkative person, quite the opposite really. But that works well for me, I don't want to talk to him anyway.

"Listen, I know the cops in Gotham suck but don't think I won't hesitate to call them so you better scram."

Once again, silence. Did the guy become mute or something? That can't be right. He said something earlier. Or was that my imagination? Oh who cares.

Bruce POV

He's in front of me. My son whom I lost for the past couple of years is finally in front of me again. He's grown so much. Well, admittedly, not so much in height but he's certainly lost the baby fat on his cheeks that he held last time I saw him. It kind of makes me sad, like a cruel reminder that I had once again failed to watch him grow.

Looking closer, it's clear that he resembles Talia more than me. His hair is black like mine but light curls can be seen to be developing just like Talia's. His eyes hold my own's colours yet they belong to Talia. His eyes no longer hold the fiery arrogance that I had seen in his eyes all those years ago but now a cold air of calm. He's really grown over the years I have not seen him.

But still, not enough that he's allowed to date or live alone. He's coming with me tonight where I can protect him from malicious people!

"Um, excuse me but...who are you?" In that instance, everything shattered. Does Damian not remember me? That can't be right. He's Robin, he wouldn't be Robin if he could not remember what it meant. Or is he being manipulated? Probably by that man from before! 

"....."I keep silent at first but I needed to look into this further. So I asked the only thing I could think to say, "Damian, are you okay?" Well what does one expect to say when they suddenly see their long lost son?

"...If you count seeing some random furry break into my home as okay then yeah, I'm just dandy," ...what can I say to this?! Damian, who taught you such a vulgar way of speaking?! You're not supposed to know sarcasm! You're meant to be harsh with your words but not sarcasm! It's definitely that man! I should quickly investigate him and maybe lead Jason to 'accidently' kill him...

"Listen, I know the cops in Gotham suck but don't think I won't hesitate to call them so you better scram." has he really lost his memory? No, that can't be right. He remembered Nightwing enough to run away from him. No, he remembers. But he's still trying to hide. That fact pains me. Knowing my own son would go to such lengths to avoid me.

"...Damian, I know you remember me," A look of shock flashed on his face before he quickly attempted to hide it, "I know you remember. And I know that you probably don't want to see me right now. But I want to be a part of your life again. Please, Damian, please come back with me and maybe we can work it all out."

Damian POV

No, no, I can't go back. I'm a mistake. If I go back, I'll ruin everything. Everyone's happy without me in their lives and I'm happy going around alone. That's how it was meant to be.

No. No, I'm not alone anymore. I have CJ with me. He's the shadow that will always be with me. A smile graced my lips at the thought before I quickly remembered my situation.

"No, I don't know what you mean. I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person. My name is not Damian, it's Alex," I can still try. I can still go on. It's better for everybody.

"...I know you remember. I know where you work as well. And the new alias. I don't know why you're so adamant to stay away from me but please come back with me. Come back and we can talk things out. We can be a family."

I don't know why but something snapped in me when he said 'family'.

"We were never a family. I'm just a product of a night of mistakes, lust and weakness. I was a tool for mother and a sense of responsibility for you. Responsibility of the mistake you created. A failure and a mistake, that's all I am. Just... just leave me. Let me live my life and you can live yours... with your family."

Sometime  in that speech, tears started prickling my eyes and fulfilling the threat to fall out. 

I couldn't bear to hear what he had to say next. I couldn't even look up at his face, knowing that on there would only be disappointment, because that's what I am. 

I ran past him a leaped out the window before scaling the wall and onto the roof. I began sprinting and jumping from one roof to another. All I could think about was that person's address. I had past that place so many times. I know Gotham like the back of my hand. As if I'm connected to this place. And it seems that the birds are guiding me too as more and more of them appear the closer I get to his home.

And finally I stop, in front of a rundown terrace house. It's cold and reeks of danger but someone in there is warm. He's the only one who can warm my heart.

Looking up, I see an open window and before I could realise, I was already climbing through it. 

There, in front of me, was the person I longed to see. I allowed my face to relax before donning a sultry look. His face carried one of shock and mild pleasure. Tonight, I'm here for one thing. 


Ooh, what's Bruce gonna do now after seeing his son breakdown and letting him escape. And looks like Damian's in desperate need of comfort. Might be the last time before I put him through a whirlpool. Sorry my sweet baby but I promise you'll be fairly satisfied at the end (;චᆽච*)

Another chapter down after such a long break. Please forgive me for that. I really did try to get a chapter out! But I've recently got into chinese bl novels (*ノ∀'*) As you can see, I have the proud achievement of being able to use emoticons now. Please look at this cute pleading face and forgive this author ଘ(੭*◕ฺω◕ฺ)੭ 

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