Chapter 8

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Damian woke up to the rising sun screaming at his eyes to wake up. 'Damn moth eaten curtains' he thought to himself as he swung his legs over the bed.
He grabbed a towel and prepared himself for a cold shower. Whilst showering, the events of the previous night replayed in his head. From finishing his evening side job to meeting the mystery man and to being sighted by Nightwing. Yeah, not exactly a great night but every time he thought back to his saviour, his heart rate would begin to rise. Damian made a mental note to look into it. Maybe the shock of being seen made him a little ill.

He made himself a cup of tea and mentally prepared himself for the upcoming day. At 9:00, he has to be at his morning job. Working as a barista at a local coffee shop. Not the most glamorous job but perfect for Damian, since no one really knew it, especially not anyone he used to know. That would go on up to 15:00, then he would have 3 hours of free time to eat and sketch at the local park for a bit. After that, he would work as a bartender at a nightclub called Electric Hype. Quite a wonder where a fake I.D. with the name of Alex Gale can get one person. By the time he was finished, it would be 01:00. After a quick change, he would go out as Robin and return home at 04:00 and wake up at 08:20 for the day to repeat itself.

Even Damian himself saw his life as a constant repeat. By the time he was ready for work, it was 8:50, just in time. He took a ten minute walk to the Cozy Beans (wow, I am so great at coming up with names, not) where he was greeted by his manger, A nice, middle-aged man with the name of John Smith. Besides his boss, Damian was the only employee. The store was small enough to handle a single employee but his manager was getting along in years and needed help, if he wished to keep his cafe. The customers were mostly nice, with the odd few that were particularly rude.

It was around 13:45 when a customer caught the eye of Damian, or in this case, Alex. The customer had mid neck length hair that was a little messy. It was dark, almost black, but shone in the midday sun. His face was sharp and his eyes were a mixture of green and blue, almost like Damian's own. He was remarkably dashing in Damian's opinion, though he would never admit it, but that was not what intrigued the employee. Rather, there was a sense of familiarity to the customer, something that gave Damian's heart a familiar warmth. 'I must still be sick,' Damian thought as he walked to the latest customer's table.

"You ready to order?"

"I thought you'd have to go to the counter to order," the stranger asked with flirtatious eyes and a playful smirk.

'Flirt,' Damian wanted to say, but instead he shrugged his shoulders and replied with, "Meh, you looked pretty comfy and there aren't many customers right now."

"Huh, so you were checking me out."

"I don't know what world you live in if you think I was checking you out but I highly suggest you get your eyes checked," to Damian's dismay, his words lacked the necessary venom. And it didn't help that the man seemed to notice.

"Haha, you got a sharp tongue. I like my prey feisty," the man squinted as he looked at Damian's name tag, "Alex. My name's Cole."

"I didn't ask for your name, I asked for your order. But if you're not ready, then I'll just leave."

"Hold on. What would you recommend?"

"I'm more of a sweet tooth so I'd say a mocha."

"Well I prefer colder drinks so one caramel frappe and one mocha, please."

Damian nodded and spun around as he noted the drinks. 'Odd, maybe he's expecting someone.'

Within 5 minutes, Damian returned with the drinks (I never get my drinks that fast. Please give me someone who will) Whilst returning to the man now known as Cole, Damian glanced around and saw that they were the only ones left, considering that his boss had just left for his lunch break. He gently placed the two drinks on the table but right when he was about to leave, Cole grabbed his sleeve.

"Hold up, sit down and keep me company for a bit."

"Weren't you expecting someone, you did order another drink?"

Cole took a sip of the frappe and said, "The mocha's for you. I wanted you to join me and seeing as there's no one but us here, surely you can take a break?"

He looked up at Damian with playful eyes. Usually, Damian would never be unprofessional enough to sit with a customer but something about Cole made it hard for him to refuse. He smirked and sat down. The two then proceeded to converse about mundane things. 'Yeah, today just might be a great day,' the two thought.


Hey, Rio here. Sorry for taking so long with the update but as an apology, I made the chapter longer than usual.  Thank you guys for being patient with me, I really appreciate it. I would love to here what you guys think!

Till next time, bye-

Damian Wayne (Heathers Au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن