chapter 5

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"So... you're saying Robin might be here? In America?"
"Yes Starfire, we just said so."
"Chill Red Robin, she was just asking. I mean, Robin hasn't let anyone sight him, well, ever!"
As Blue beetle came to Starfire's rescue, everyone else was still trying to process it. The fun-sized jack-the-ripper was back. Their fun-sized jack-the-ripper was back.
Sure, the kid was a little temperamental and sure, they all had beef with him. He had tried to kill them all at least once and the little stalker knows all their weaknesses and identities.
But he had also been a valued member. He had been there in their battle, had fought by their side. He had died for their cause and for what they were protecting. And they had taken part in retrieving him from hell. After all that, who wouldn't grow fond of the brat?
But somewhere down the line, they had messed up. The relationship between them and the boy had become strained and one day, it had snapped like a rubber band being pulled too far. Just like that, the boy had left without so much as a warning.
Now, they have a chance to get him back and they're going to need all heroes to keep a sharp ear and firm lookout for him. If they want any chance at all to get him back.

Damian pov

Huh. I sneezed. Either someone is talking about me or I'm coming down with something. Neither are good.
I was patrolling the streets of Gotham. I know, real risky for a guy who doesn't want anyone to know about me, especially since it's the world's greatest detectives' territory. But I'm skilled at staying in the shadows, it's my very way of life.
I felt my feet take me to an alley a few blocks away and when I got there, it seems like it is...Bane!
Oh shit! Beating Bane on my own seems a little far fetched, even for me! Great. He noticed me. There goes my chance to try and leave Batman a tip off. What is Bane doing in an alley anyway?!
"Would you look at that, the birdie returns. I've heard rumours of your current crusade. The myth: Shadow Robin."
And there goes my perfect record of being nothing but a rumour. A forgotten whisper.
"Uh... it's Robin. Drop the shadow."
He chuckled.
"Doesn't matter. Either way, you'll be a dead Robin."
He lunged at me and our fight began.

****Minor time skip brought by Rio being too lazy to describe the fight******

I was losing! He was gaining more power over me and I was losing stamina. It didn't help that I was backed up into the wall. He pulled back his arm, aiming a punch to my face that would, more likely than not, knock me unconscious. With nowhere to run nor hide, I held up my arms in a cross motion in an attempt to hold off the hit. I was prepared to be punched and....

...It never came. I looked up to see a dark figure, male by the looks of the body structure, holding off the lug of a man. He fought with such vigour and he was winning! He was fighting! No one has ever done that in years! I don't know why but suddenly, my heart was racing in a way it had never done so before. My breathing became irregular and suddenly, I felt all warm and hot on the inside.
When the fight was done with Bane managing to escape, the figure turned and walked over to me...

Two chapters in one night! Looking forward to the next~

Damian Wayne (Heathers Au)Where stories live. Discover now