Chapter 1

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6 years. It has been 6 years since Damian Wayne had came to live with his father. 6 years of robin. Now, he is 16 and so damn tired of everything. He himself believes that he is getting too old to stay as Robin. He himself believes that he should set off on his own. But he can't. If he leaves, his father will just get him a replacement. That can't happen. There should be no more child warriors. No more broken children who just need love but are instead thrusted into a world of blood and war.
After Tim Drake came back, Damian handed leadership of the Titans to him and returned to his father's side. Though, the dynamic duo were no more. Robin is hardly ever seen with Batman anymore. Nor with any of the heroes on that note. The heroes don't want him around and he doesn't want to be around them. It was a mutual agreement for Robin to just go solo. He now goes around, seeing if anyone is in need.
Everyone he's ever saved forget him soon. He became a myth, a legend told to counteract the evils of the world. Because whenever someone screamed inside for someone to save them, he'd be there. He'd protect and attack then disappear when the deed is done. Then those who were saved would forget. They'd say it was probably another hero, a more well known one. He always moved in the shadows, even his existence.
No one can track him. The heroes have made a vague attempt but soon gave up. He just didn't belong with them. He was just the demon brat.

Sorry it's short, I know I haven't updated my other story but I wanted to give this one a try. Please comment or PM me. If you PM me, your name wouldn't be disclosed or mentioned.

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