Chapter 1

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A/N Hello there! this is Chapter 1 of ISBOY( I Suffer Because Of You), and you may notice that there is no prologue. I've done that on purpose. I was writing the prologue, but every time I wrote it and rewrote it, it didn't seem right and I felt like I was giving Y'all too much juicy stuff. So for my sake, and plot's sake, the prologue is dead in this story. I also listened to an unhealthy amount of fever and river flows in you, so it's umm, angstyish? Whatever! I hope my Hani Bees enjoy!

3rd POV

The boys were getting ready for their shoot with hello82. They were in their dorm still sleeping as Jay woke up and started getting ready. He got up out of bed and went to take a shower, the cameras in their dorm on and capturing every moment. He gathered his clothes and bathing supplies and went to the bathroom to do his business. He nodded at one of the cameras sleepily and went into the bathroom. Shortly afterwards, he got dressed and went to wake the others up. He looked much better than when he woke up and the PD was surprised to see him up so early.

He went to their room and started waking everyone up, starting on the top bunks with Sunghoon, Sunoo, Ni-Ki, Jungwon, Heeseung, and then finally, Jake. 

It was difficult getting all of them to wake up and get ready, but with the promise of a warm, delicious breakfast, everyone was up on their feet and fighting for the first shower. 

While Jake waited, he walked to the kitchen and startled Jay by coming up behind him and giving him a back hug. Jay got so scared he turned around hit Jake with an egg covered spatula and his eyes closed.

"Oy, mate, Jay, you can stop now."

Jake told Jay to stop, when Jay slowly lowered his hands onto Jake's chest and very, very slowly opened his eyes to be met with Jake whose lips were pressed into a thin line. Jay's eyes went wide at the sight of Jake's face covered in raw egg, but they both heard a stifled chuckle.

"This is why we don't back hug or do anything to Jay Hyung when he's cooking~"

The pair heard Sunoo's mischievous voice followed by His and Jungwon's laughter. Jay had to admit, it was funny and he started laughing.

"I-I'm so sorry, Jake, but it's too funny not to laugh at."

"Haha, very funny. I just wanted to shower you with my love and appreciation at the fact that your cooking today, but nooooo, you just had to slap me in the face multiple times with an egg covered spatula. Jungwon, is the bathroom empty?"

"Y-yeah. That's why we were here, but-"

Jungwon couldn't finish his sentence as he collapsed on top of Sunoo, the two turning into a gaggle of laughter. Jake just sighed and smiled at Jay who was apologizing profusely and wiping the egg batter off of his face. Once Jay was done, Jake walked off to the bathroom with his clothes and took a shower.

While in the shower, Jake's thoughts wandered off and he started thinking about Jay. He knew he liked Jay since they had started promoting their first album and most likely before that. But he couldn't let Jay know. It would not only put their own careers at stake, but he would be ruining it all for the other members who had worked so hard to debut. For now, he kept these feelings to himself, but deep down inside, he knew that right now it's Jay, it was Jay before, and it'll always be Jay.

Jay will probably be the only one who could make him feel this. Make Jake's heart flutter, make his throat feel like the Sahara desert whenever he entered the room, make Jake want him in ways he shouldn't. He knew it was Jay when Jake went through his first Rut. He had to find release with just his hand, bed, and pillow. The first thing his mind wandered to, wasn't a girl dressed provocatively like it had been in his imagination when he was younger and needed to rub one off. No, it was a mental image of Jay. Not just the Jay you saw everyday, it was. Jay that was splayed out underneath him, covered in bodily fluids and his marks, a mess as his mouth fell open and his eyes rolled into the back of his head, as Jake continuously pounded into Jay without Mercy. When he came and had been in a clear state of mind, he had been ashamed for thinking about his hyung like that, but he couldn't stop himself.

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