Chapter 2

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Yo, so this is an example of the drabble style, like the 600 words thing I wanted to try. Please, please, please let me know on my message board, which style you prefer for me to use more! Have fun reading Bees!

3rd POV

And when Jake leaned on his shoulder, Jay secretly let a smile grace his lips. No one had to know.

Once they arrived, Jay went to take the first shower and make dinner. He wanted to try Italian, having heard Jungwon say he was craving Italian.

Jay searched up a simple recipe, Aglio E Olio, with homemade garlic and herbs bread sticks, with a cheese and butter dip on the side. It was simple, but it was homemade. Something the group hadn't had since they started promoting their Border:Carnival album.

Everyone slowly took showers and changed, getting comfortable in their living room and watching TV.

Jay had Sunghoon and NiKi set the table as he was almost done. The table was set normally, but covered with all the delicious food Jay had prepared. The hyung line all had small amounts of wine, allowing none of the maknaes any alcohol, and instead giving them grape juice (Jay's orders).

Jungwon say beside Jay as Jay fed him while eating as well. Jungwon felt less homesick and much more content as Jay kept babying him. Jungwon was under a lot of stress, being the leader and making sure everyone stayed in line, he often forgot he had to take care of himself. That's where the members came in.

All the members made sure he was healthy and eating properly along with getting a proper amount of sleep. Jungwon was thankful he got to debut with such amazing people.

Though Jay wasn't his real mother, it definitely felt like it. Jungwon knew it was probably Jay's motherly instincts and the Post Coital Dysphoria that kicks in after his heats. (PCD is basically when a female, or omega in this case, feels sad and a little depressed about not having conceived after their fertility window passed.) But it didn't bother Jungwon too much, it was a win-win situation for both of them. Jungwon was babyed and Jay got to have 3 pups.

"Jay hyung! This is so good! Thank you so much for making us delicious homemade food even though you must be tired."

"Thank you Sunoo, and it's no big deal. We all deserve this especially after successfully finishing promotions."

Jay leaned over to give Sunoo the best side hug he could muster while Jungwon was attached to his other side. Luckily, Sunoo didn't mind the small hug.

Jake felt oddly content, seeing Jay appreciated by the pups. It stirred a foreign feeling inside his pot of feelings and he felt conflicted. Heeseung caught the way Jake's expression flickered and he sent Jake a look asking to talk to him privately.

"Jake and I will do the dishes! Don't worry Jay-ah, you deserve to rest and spend time with the pups and Sunghoon, though Sunghoon is a pup technically..."

Sunghoon hadn't gone through his presentation yet, but he insisted on not being called a pup as he was going to present soon. He wasn't hoping for Alpha, he has experienced 2 alphas and wasn't really all for it...
He was hoping for Beta, but would be fine with anything.

"C'mon Jake, let's go!"

Heeseung smiled at Jake and the rest as Jake started picking up dishes to take to wash. The rest of the group settled into the couches as all the pups shifted, wanting to be comfortable.

"Jake-ah, I'm worried about you. You know why right?"

"No hyung, why?"

"Jake, I've been noticing that you've been more closed off with your feelings and recently you've been getting these weird looks on your face whenever your near Jongseong."

Jake slowly realized what his hyung meant. His hyung was worried about Jake's feelings, and honestly, Jake needed an outlet, or someone to talk to.

"Yeah I get what your talking about hyung. It's just, I know that I have an attraction towards Jong Hyung, and it feels wrong, but right at the same time. When the pups were so happy just being in Jong Hyung's presence, it made me feel content and I didn't know why. I also felt really jealous at today's shoot when anyone would get overly touchy with Hyung. It's just- hah, I feel like my feelings are forbidden. They're brewing inside of me. I want to touch Jong Hyung, be intimate with him, but I'm afraid I'll be burned. Not by Hyung, but by fans. I feel as though since we're a new group, one misstep could ruin everything everyone worked hard for in I-land. It hurts to not be able to be affectionate or intimate, I want to shower Hyung with all my love, but it hurts. Yet the more that it hurts, the more that I want it. Like a Fever y'know? Sorry Hyung, I didn't mean to bombard you with my feelings."

"No Jake, I'm glad you told me. This could cause a rift between all of us. To be honest, I get what you meant when you said you want Jay, I understand your feelings. I used to feel that way towards him too, but I guess now I just don't. I can't give you advice on anything, I haven't gone through exactly what you're going through, but imma help you get through it Jake. The last thing we need is our international duo, not being a duo anymore."

"Thanks Hyung. I feel a lot better talking with you."

The pair smiled at each other and finished up the dishes in comfortable silence. Once they finished, they headed to the family room to see Jongseong cuddling the little puppies in his own wolf form. The two alphas decided to shift as well and settled in with the others, everyone comfortable in each other's embraces as Jake felt content and felt as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He slept soundly for the first time since he realized his feelings toward Jongseong.

Hey y'all, hoped you liked this chapter! It's a little different from my normal chappies, a little shorter. I'm going to talk a little more about Post Coital Dysphoria. In my book, it's when an Omega goes through heat alone and is sad over not having conceived. It's kind of like a sub drop where they're depressed and a mess of hormones. The only way to console them is through physical affection, mental reassurances, and contact with a pup. I don't know too much about it, so I would read up on it online! Love y'all so much and enhypenandtreasure and Silvers_May this is for the both of you babies!💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖💖

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