Chapter 8: V-Lives and Family

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Heyy Bees! This is a little sudden, but thank you all for the support I've gotten in writing this book! And I want to celebrate 135 followers which is so much for me, not to mention the amount of views and votes this story has, like????? I'm astonished. Thank you all so much for the support and as always, Enjoy!

3rd POV

After Jay and Jake had eaten and stopped thinking up ways to get away with burning down Dispatch and getting rid of Ara, the members were in their practice getting ready for the V live.

Jay was dead tired and snuggled into Jake's side on the couch, looking ᵗᶦⁿʸ.

The cameras were all set up and everyone was sitting in their spots. The only time Jay actually moved was to sit up so they could introduce themselves. He left everyone and was half asleep, taking in Jake's comforting scent, until Jake shakes him awake.

Pouting he looks at the camera, not leaving Jay's side. Jungwon is looking at him expectantly, but Jay just stares back.

"What? I didn't hear you pup. Repeat that please?"

"Hmm, our dear Engenes are asking why you're being the way you are and they want to hear what happened from you and Jake, not disbi- sorry, dispatch."

Jay shifted a little so that fans could see him and properly not just his silhouette. Jay looks at Jake and through their eyes, they telepathically communicating with each other, because you know, they're cool like that.

They seem to come to a conclusion or some sort of agreement because they nod and Jay speaks up as Jake just hugs him and NiKi claims his seat in Jay's lap.

"So hello Engene! How are you all? Hope everyone is doing well. I know you guys are confused as to why I look so tired. Imma be real with you, I am super tired, but happy to be able to meet you guys! I know dispatch released that article with literally no explanation, because they don't know what actually happened or the story behind anything. First it is true, Jake and I mated, but under some different circumstances. I won't bother you guys with the small details, but some of the drinks at the after party were spiked by someone who had snuck in and pretended to be part of the staff. Don't worry, our company is working with the law to make sure they are punished accordingly. Jake and I didn't know we had drank the drugged champagne and I was feeling unwell and Jake was tired so we decided to room together and go up early. In the elevator we realized that it was my heat so Jake tried to find suppressants and strangely we couldn't find any. Uhm, no details needed, we spent the night together and that resulted in us mating due to our instincts taking over. Please don't worry about us, we are fine and unharmed, our company is taking care of the legal stuff and we are fully cooperating with the police and other authorities. Me acting clingy is completely normal and I'm just tired, but please please please don't worry dear Engenes!"

Jay smiled and ended off his long essay with a smile and wave.

Jungwon read a comment and exclaimed.

"Oh! You guys aren't the first couple to have mated this way."

Everyone was shocked except the four who had been in the room earlier, so they didn't know why Jungwon was shocked. Unless he was sleeping and didn't remember crap.

"Really???? Who else has it happened to?"

However, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and NiKi had been waiting for their hyungs and Dongsaeng in the breakfast hall so they didn't know about the conversation taking place in the hotel room.

"Yeah, although not everyone is on this list, apparently Namjoon and Jeongguk sunbaenim, Chanyeol and Baekhyun sunbaenim, Lisa and Rose sunbaenim, Jennie and Jisoo sunbaenim, TXT sunbaenim, and now Jay and Jake Hyung. There were more glasses, but those couples are unknown."

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