Chapter 6

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Hey Bees! we're at the aftermath of what happened after the smut chapter. I would've added this to the last chapter, but then that would've dragged it on and I had the Perfect ending. So this is the after math. Hope you all enjoy! :) and also, I love you all a lot, please remember that.

The morning after, 3rd pov

Jake awoke at the door being pounded, not knocked. He ignored it, but when the person didn't let up, he got out of the warm bed and sheets. Scratching his stomach, then yawning and stretching, Jake walked to the door opening it to find a worried looking Heeseung and Jungwon, with a male and female manager.

"Uhm? what's wrong?"

"We can't find Jay! Do you know where he is???"

A groan was heard in the background accompanied by a loud thump and whine.

Jake turned around to help Jay, who had forgotten that he had gotten railed the night before and that his legs would be jelly for a day. The door was opened and the 4 others walked into the room, everyone but Jungwon blocking their noses at the scent.


Jay yelled at Jake in English at the top of his lungs as he massaged his hip.

"Ok, to be fair, you said yes and asked for more and I was the one who stretched you when all you could thing about was, I don't even know what was going through your mind."

Jake replied back in English, but they heard a gasp in the background.

"Y-you two mated? Th- I- w- h- *thump*"

Heeseung spoke and fainted at the shock. Jay shot Jake a look and he dragged Heeseung's passed out body to Jay, who pretended to roll up his sleeves and rubbed his hands together. All to slap Heeseung in the middle of his forehead, effectively waking him up.

"Are you done yet, or do I have to slap you again?"

"Uhm, no I'm fine, but WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"


Heeseung had yelled, hoping for answers, but instead, he got yelled at by Jay. Looking like a kicked puppy, he went to go close the door and walked back to jay who was currently taking pain killers that manager noona had gotten from him, cuddled in the comforter. Once finished, he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"C'mere hyungie."

Heeseung went to Jongseong and collapsed in his lap as Jake put on a t-shirt and sat down next to Jay with a very tiny Jungwon laying across his lap. The managers sat down on the chairs across from the 4 boys that were seated on the bed. Jay was petting Heeseung's head, smoothing his hair like a mother does when her child can't fall asleep. 

"You wanna explain to us what happened here? This room stinks of you, Jake, and sweat."

"Uhm, I don't actually know. I remember being at the after party and then everything is just blurry from there."

Jay was confused and tried to remember, but Jake explained to them.

"We were at the after party, and there was one waitress who was passing out drugged flutes of champagne. I only know because we suffered the after effect of it. Jay hyung didn't look too good at the party and he had an empty flute next to him on the table. I had just finished mine so I didn't feel anything other than my temperature start to rise. When we got into the elevator, I noticed Jay hyung ws like sweating, flushed and pale, his scent was also really sweet and strong. That's when I knew he was going into heat. So I hurried us to the room and the drug was taking it's toll on me, I couldn't really think properly. I searched everywhere for suppressants, but I couldn't find any, and then we lost control and yeah."

Everyone was silent at Jake's explanation when the manager Hyung spoke up.

"You know something really strange? That part where you said there wasn't any suppressants. It's strange because this hotel has a really big reputation to protect and for them not to have any emergency options incase something happens is really suspicious. Do you have any idea what the waitress looked like, Jake or Jay?"

"Mm, no. I was talking to Baekhyun sunbaenim so I can't remember."

"No, she was wearing a mask like everyone else, but she did drop something..."

Jake got up as free moving Jungwon onto the bed and rummaged through his blazer pockets, sticking his tongue out as he searched for it.

"Aha! It's a wallet. The name is Ara Johnson and she lives in this area!"

"Jake, give me her wallet so I can pass it over to authorities."

Jake gives the manager noona Ara's wallet and goes back to Jay who was silent in thought. Until...

"Jake! Give me your phone real quick!"

Jake doesn't question it and after unlocking his phone, he gives it to the other.

Jay furiously types something into the search bar and looks extremely happy, but then his face falls.

"I knew I had heard her name somewhere. She's daughter of multimillionaire Bryon Johnson and Alexis Johnson. This isn't her first time. Remember how one day Chanyeol and Baekhyun sunbaenim were suddenly mated, with no prior warning? She's the cause of that and Jungkook and Namjoon sunbaenim along with others as well. She's been caught, but because she has power and money, she always managed to get out. Hmph, not this time, we also have power and money, more than the Johnson's."

Jay smiled smugly, his father owned a few companies and Jay was the son of a billionaire, not to mention his mom was a multimillionaire as well, but in the fashion industry and their family had connections and influence as well, more than that Ara's family did.

Not to mention, Jake's family was also a billionaire family and they too had connections and influence, they also had connections to the underground, where the drug most likely came from.

Jay gives Jake his phone back and thanks him, giving him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.

"Alright well. We'll think of a plan later, but right now you guys need to get food inside your systems and hold a V live, because that was part of your schedule, but if your not feeling up to it, you don't have to and we can reschedule."

"No no, I feel fine and better after taking pain killers, I can manage. Let's go!"

Jay exclaimed and gently pushed off an almost asleep Heeseung from his lap. The 4 others leave their hotel room and Jake and Jay start to get ready. Jay is wearing joggers and Jake's t-shirt along with a cap and a flannel tied around his waist and timberlands and a baseball cap covering his blonde hair.

Jake is dressed in black joggers and a black t-shirt with vans and a bucket hat. He didn't want to wear a jacket and just packed it in his duffel bag.

The pair make sure they have everything, put their masks back on, and leave the room, Jake protectively holding Jay as they meet up with the others for breakfast.

Dispatch was being nosy as always and clicked pictures of the pair and decided to post them.

Breaking News! Rookie idols Park Jongseong and Sim Jaeyun, part of rookie idol group Enhypen, are now a mated pair!

*Insert pictures of Jay and Jake and close ups of their mating marks*

Within minutes, Jay and Jake are a trending topic on nearly every social media platform.

Chapter end

So I don't read dispatch, so I'm not sure if this is actually how it is, but I hope my bees enjoyed this chapter! Let me know how you like it and please Vote and comment, it really helps me a lot!

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