17 | ﴾ Back Off ﴿

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When Draco left the room he leaned against the hallway door for a moment, still reeling from what had just occurred. His skin was tingling with the euphoria of her naked body having been in his arms moments prior.

In a panic he'd been forced to make a decision. He knew Nott much better than Madeleine possibly could; the boy was slick and dishonest with girls, and his intentions would only result in her pain and humiliation. Nott was an absolute predator, and until that summer Draco had simply dismissed it as not being any of his business, but now it was.

It was this knowledge that had driven him to take over the TimeTrap game, and partially from the fact that he was genuinely possessive of her. It had hit him like a brick, and he was arguably in shock. The thought of someone else having their way with her was unbearable. Although he hadn't intended to have sex with her so suddenly, it was better than the alternative. And now, there was hell to pay, for interrupting what should have been a much more natural and gradual process of getting to know her.

He shook out his messy hair and without bothering to fix his untidy suit he slammed back into his bedroom, letting the door smash horrendously off of it's hinges.

He picked up a wizarding newspaper he had left on the side table by the door and on his way across the space he wacked Hilda on the back of the head sharply for having orchestrated the entire affair. "Really mature, Malfoy," she muttered in hilarity at the pedestrian punishment.

"Nott," he pointed his finger at the boy with a directorial boom, "Outside. NOW."

Theodore cracked his neck and followed Draco with an impish grin on his handsome face. On the balcony Draco threw the door closed, ignoring the curious gaze's from the guests inside through the thick glass. The entire wall separating the balcony and the interior happened to be glass panes in wooden framework, which provided a perfect floor-to-ceiling view for the audience within.

Theodore stood there sipping brandy with a narrow expression, "Nice suit, Malfoy."

Draco tucked in his shirt to address the ridicule and got straight to the point, "What do you want with Madeleine?"

Theodore lit a cigarette and leaned over the railing, staring down into the lush gardens below. His completely black outfit made it look like he was partially disappearing into the shadows around them. "Well I'm sure it's not hard to imagine. Quite the doll you've got there. Completely sadistic, and stunning to say in the least." His lip curled up as his eyes wandered over the landscape with a faraway desire. In his dark eyes, the moon provided a small glint of light to indicate where he was directing his attention.

Draco bristled like a porcupine, feeling helplessly defensive of Madeleine. She was obviously not mentally well and was growing increasingly temperamental. Getting involved with Nott would surely push her clean off the edge. "I know exactly what you're imagining. You're not going to have your way with my wife until you get bored. Back off."

Theodore had secretly slept his way through most of Hogwarts using trickery against girls, often quietly leading them to heartbreak or pitting them against each other. He always operated out of sight and alone with his victims, typically going for alternative houses than his own, making it very easy for him to manipulate them socially. He was quite possibly a fully functional psychopath with absolutely no empathy and a hunger for power.

Draco watched as Theo nonchalantly sipped at his drink again. He lost control and slapped the crystal glass out of Theo's hand, and the dull split of the glass on the gravel below could be heard from as high up as the balcony.

Theo frowned a smile down at the ground where it had exploded, "How adorable that you've clearly managed to fall in love with her all over again. But don't forget Malfoy, there's nothing you can do to stop me. The girl can choose for herself. While you're fixing up that pathetic castle, I'll be cuddling up with her at the Ministry."

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