21 | ﴾ Finders Keepers ﴿

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The day had come. Draco was required to show up at the Ministry of Magic henceforth, every morning, for debriefing and team meetings before proceeding to Hogwarts for recovery and repair work. The memo that had been sent to the Manor from the Invisibility Task Force had clearly outlined his work schedule.

He exited the fireplace network at the Ministry in a rich blue suit with a perverse scowl on his pretty face. Showing off false confidence and a blank expression he walked rapidly towards the semi-circle of elevators beyond the massive central fountain, with the understanding that he was expected to make his way to the third floor in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

"Malfoy is a wanker!" Someone shouted across the cavernous main floor of the building. Hundreds of people lifted their eyes to inspect him curiously as he strode. He blinked away the insult, keeping his eyes glued to the stone tiles below his shoes as he moved. It could be expected: obviously his family was disliked to say in the least, following several years of absolutely unforgivable behavior. He briefly pondered if Madeleine was receiving similar offences or if she somehow had special treatment. The newspapers had not been kind to her, repeatedly labelling her as the White Witch and a threat to society. Multiple requests had been placed for her to be investigated as an undesirable.

The elevator took him up to the third floor which was awash in a rich, golden hue from the ridiculously yellow wallpaper plastered to the framework of the workspace. He glanced left and right down the hallway, utterly lost, and took a chance at taking a right. The passageway thankfully opened up to a circular gathering space where at least a dozen young people were clustered around a certain familiar Hogwarts professor who had obviously taken on an entirely different role after the war. The clean up team had been formed as an emergency response consisting of various individuals who had been students and had their education interrupted. For all of them except for Draco it was considered a paid internship.

"Mister Malfoy, how kind of you to join us," Minerva McGonagall concisely quipped. Her blue eyes trained on him authoritatively. She stood there in long green cloaks, her grey hair tied precisely in a perfect swirly bun on her head. Before her the many young witches and wizards shuffled back and forth in the early morning hours darning scratched up and tattered clothing for the day's messy work. He nodded and drifted to the edge of the gathering with an avoidant frown.

"Right, well, carrying on," She said in a casual tone, glancing down through her spectacles at a clipboard she had in her hand. "There is the outstanding, miniature issue regarding the greenhouse plants which have overgrown. They will be festerous and violent. Secondly, the Slytherin common room still remains entirely underwater from the collapse of the glass wall. Any suggestions as to how this architecture can be repaired in a timely manner would be highly appreciated. And, should we not mention the Gryffindor tower which shamefully remains nearly levelled. In wake of the battle we are dealing with substantial rubble in this area. Any thoughts, or volunteers for these specific projects, would be greatly welcomed. If not, please continue with your pre-existing assignments."

Instinctively Draco wanted to light a cigarette to deal with the strain of the situation that he was so evidently a part of. McGonagall didn't hesitate to point her wand at his face, "Malfoy, I have yet to assign you. Come here." All eyes in the room shot to the newcomer with keen interest.

He wandered over to the older woman with his hands deep in his pockets and his eyes defensively narrowed. "You will partner with Finnigan," She commanded, as she directed her gaze across the room to Seamus who had been chatting with Dean Thomas.

They both stopped and peered at Draco curiously. Dean laughed lightly, "You know, he sent his last partner to the infirmary wrapped up like a mummy. Hope you're fire retardant Malfoy."

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