56 | ﴾ Ruse ﴿

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The day had been long and tiresome, and although all that Draco desired was to go straight home and cuddle Madeleine, he'd made plans with her that morning to meet in the lavatory post work and exchange their visual appearances so that he could lure out Nott in place of her. 

His mind had been preoccupied for days with not only nightmares of them hooking up, but of the very real possibility that she was harboring feelings for the boy. Theodore had managed to woo his way out of Draco's entrapment the previous time, but he would not make such a mistake a second time. The minute he had confirmed what he needed to know he would take out his enemy, one way or another.

Draco waited in the men's lavatory for several minutes, having to awkwardly shove random strangers back out the door with his infamous threatening glare.

Finally, Madeleine tepidly opened the door to the dark room, peering her head through the crack in the opening. He reached forward and yanked her inside aggressively, locking the door behind her.

"Have you ever tried Polyjuice before?" he asked her, as she distractedly shrivelled her nose at the repulsive conditions within the men's latrine. She held her pink dress tightly against her body, dragging her eyes along the urinals and piles of paper in the corners.

He placed the two vials of sludgy green substance atop the black marble countertop. Their names were outlined on the bottles with parchment labels.

She eyed down the potions with curiosity, "No, is it gross? It looks like boogers."

Draco shook his head with his eyes shut in knowing dread, "You will hurl. I'm willing to bet on it."

She laughed at the labels, "What do dey stand for? Who is drinking it, or who it will turn you into?" Someone banged angrily on the door, and they both ignored it completely.

"Who it will turn you into, so you're ingesting the vial that says Draco. Although that is a humorous concept - I wonder what would happen if you took the one for yourself," he surmised vaguely, swishing around the glass container with her name on it.

She picked up hers with a quivering smile breaking out on her face, staring up at him. He recognized the onslaught of goosey behaviour about to erupt as she fought not to laugh. "What's so whimsical, Madeleine? I need you to take this seriously. If you're going to walk around as myself, you do realize that I'm not a hysterical character," he gave her a raised eyebrow.

She let slip a curt laugh, bouncing on her toes, "Dis whole thing is whimsical. Are you going to kiss me goodbye?" She leaned up against his chest on her tip-toes and whispered in his ear, "Should we 'ave sex?"

Draco hung his head back, gobsmacked at the way her mind operated, "Are you telling me that you want to kiss yourself? You actually want to kiss yourself, and worse? Are you sick?"

She shrugged, kissing his cheek romantically as Draco swayed on the spot from her affections, "I mean... I've always wondered what it is like on de other side. It would still be us, just switched."

"You're completely mental. I'm not having sex with myself," Draco bantered back immediately, imagining things that he absolutely did not want floating through his head.

"You would not be able to 'andle yourself," she erotically hushed against his neck.

He pushed her hair back and kissed her, driving her backwards towards the stalls, "You can have your kisses now, beforehand. We're going to have to get undressed and throw our clothing to each other before we drink them." He pushed her into a stall and she toppled in, looking back to wink at him before closing the door.

Draco walked to the adjacent one shaking his head and blinking at her saucy libido. She was completely crazy, and he was regrettably addicted to her sexy confidence and daring advances.

𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒽 | 𝒟.𝑀.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ