48 | ﴾ Caught You ﴿

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Three weeks crawled by feverishly slow for anyone that knew Madeleine personally, including Theodore who's plans for her had been inconveniently slammed into a wall.

The ambiguity surrounding whether or not she was even still alive in the infamous prison known to claim the lives of at least eighty percent of it's unwilling inhabitants was enough to devastate her friends and family.

The breaking point had finally been reached for the silent treatment that she'd been receiving from her biological relatives, and they had been spotted in the Ministry on several occasions to fight for her freedom desperately. Her drop dead gorgeous mother had put on quite a show of starting a violent screaming match with Kingsley Shacklebolt right in front of the humongous statue of her late husband for all to see. Theodore had eaten his lunch nearby with burning curiosity as Éduin and Charlot exploded on the British government.

They had managed to arrange hearings and meetings, trying to encourage support from the community with little reception. People were deathly afraid of Madeleine and didn't want to see her walk free again.

After the first week passed by, Draco Malfoy started reappearing for work to keep himself busy. His skin was ashen and his eyes constantly red, and for the first time in his life he walked around in public wearing baggy clothing and not brushing his hair properly.

That primary Monday he'd once again chased Theodore when he spotted him, and Nott learned quite quickly that he would need to come and leave work using Polyjuice Potions, transforming himself into his co workers. It was risky in case he was spotted by the very person he was impersonating, but what was more disruptive was Draco hunting him down furiously.

The boy was relentless. He would show up precisely at seven in the morning, peering at every face that left the fireplaces and tapping his wand on his leg. He'd wait until the latest he possibly could before heading to level three and snarling under his breath.

Then in the evenings he would sometimes stay as late as eleven at night stalking Theodore without success. Nott was not stupid; Draco blamed him for Madeleine's arrest, and wanted revenge. He would accept nothing less than Theodore's head on a spike.

On the twenty-fifth day of her imprisonment an update in the newspapers was finally provided by Rita Skeeter. Her miraculous survival was confirmed by a front page article that depicted a moving photograph of the prison from an aerial view.

From an aperture on the last few tallest levels, a striking display of magical flames erupted outwards through the thin opening as if directed by a flame thrower. Rita Skeeter successfully spurred up panic in her devoted readers by suggesting that the White Witch was close to escape, and who knew what sort of vengeance she would seek on society for her incarceration.

It was exactly what the Auror's desired. Theodore had not blinked at her initial detainment with the knowledge that all they really had on her was the fact that he foolishly forgot to cast an invisibility charm on the dragon before he let her ride it. It was truly just a misdemeanour, the type of mistake that granted the offender minor punishment or community service for a few weeks.

They had used the incident as a gateway to identify her suspected Creator possession, enacting brutal interrogation strategies to draw out Ascelin. Without further threat from her in the form of a break out, they would not possibly be able to keep her there.

As time ticked by, flowing like the river that it was, stress levels rose. 

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