Chapter 15- I'm Gonna Pay for This

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Smut warning ✨

Lou grabbed my arm and dragged me away, breaking contact with the girl I was with. She pulled me out from the dance floor and into a small hallway, holding my arm tightly the whole time. I couldn't have gotten away even if I tried. I wasn't squirming though, I followed willingly. The liquor in my blood also kept my muscles warm and loose to be easily persuaded to flow without my mind having the time to reject the movement.

She slammed my back against the wall and the vibrations went up through my spine, tingling on my arms and legs. Lou was so close to me. I wanted to kiss her, but she was mad at me, so I just looked down at my feet. I felt embarrassed. Why did I come here? Why did I act out against Lou? I still wanted Lou, and it made my heart ache having to leave. It's for the best. It's for the best, right?

"What do you think you're doing?" I could tell in her voice she was angry. Her tone was low and kind of quiet. It was almost seductive if she didn't look at me like she wanted to kill me. I didn't know what to respond, so I just swayed my head to the side not wanting to look at her. "Are you drunk?" She was disgusted with me now. I wanted to cry, but my body was too slow to do anything.

"Just leave me, despise me, and move on to someone better" My voice was so shaky, I wasn't sure if she understood a word I had said. "You deserve someone better" I could feel the tears now. It was fogging up my eyesight. I moved my hand up to Lou's face and rested it just below her cheek bone. Admiring her one last time, before I ran off again.

She moved into a nearby room, taking me with her. I wasn't sure what room it was. Maybe an office, storage room, utilities room, I couldn't decipher anything. My eyes were either full of tears or staring at the beauty of Lou.

She shut the door quickly behind her and pushed me up against the cold door. She was holding on to the front part of my shirt by my shoulder. I looked up at her and desire filled my eyes. I kept glancing at her eyes and lips. Her face was tense and her grip on me didn't loosen for a while. We just stood, inches apart, staring at each other. We were both at a loss of words. There was so much that needed to be said, but starting those conversations seemed impossible.

Amidst the silence, Lou spoke slowly but sharply. "You make me so furious at times" I just wanted to feel her now. Over all the self control that I have withstanded throughout the week, it all disappeared. I couldn't fight my urge to be with Lou, feel her body against mine.

"Show me" I whispered as I moved my face closer to hers, almost speaking into her mouth. I looked up at her eyes with our noses close enough to touch each other. Her eyes were focused on my mouth and every word that escaped them. Her breaths were slow and heavy.

She was debating on making a move or staying angry with me. I wouldn't blame her if she rejected me. It was my plan to begin with, but every time I see her, I want to be with her. An emotion that strong can't be wrong, can it?

She released her hands from me and moved away. Backing up slowly at first, with her eyes still locked on mine. She then turned her back to me. I realized that we were in her office because there was a desk in the middle of the room, and Lou was searching in one of her drawers. She had very minimal things in her office. Especially compared to the mess that was mine.

Lou had grabbed something but I couldn't tell what it was and walked over to me. I was still near the door and my eyes followed her every movement. She stopped right in front of me like we were a second ago, except she wasn't holding onto me. Her hand went behind my back and locked the door making a short and quick click.

Her hand then slid up the side of my body to my neck. She grabbed on tight and moved me to her desk so that I was sitting on the edge. Her grip was firm and I had to force my breaths to come out. Our eyes not moving from one anothers. She leaned me back with her fingers keeping a hold on me, controlled and strong. Lou then bent down so that our faces were as close as ever and kissed me on the lips.

It was tender and sweet like we were remembering what it felt like. She started kissing me more passionately and the electricity was sparking my body with every touch of her. She took off my pants and my underwear as quickly as I would have done myself.

She stopped and looked at me. She was putting on a strap. That's what she had grabbed from her desk. I grinned at the thought that she just keeps a strap at her desk in case of emergencies.

She gripped my knees and spread them wide open, looking down and admired me. Her head moved and kissed the inside of my thighs and licked my clit. I was wet and it was nearly dripping out of me. She took her strap and traced it up and down before gently inserting it inside me. My head flung back and my heart was beating faster. I let out a moan and felt Lou's hand back on my neck. I bit my lip so that I would be quiet, but it didn't help much. Her hips moved back and forth. She made sure that each thrust went fully in and out, hitting my g spot each time.

The knot in my stomach was building and I couldn't last much longer. All of a sudden she stopped moving her hips. Instead of saying something, she lifted up my back and wrapped her arms under mine and her hands went up my back and she held onto my shoulders. I put my arms around her neck, pulled her body closer to mine.

She whispered into my ear, "I want to hear you" and with that her hips started up again and my body began to shake with pleasure. Her hands kept my body in place with each movement and my fingers slid up to her hair. I held on tight without pulling her head back because I liked hearing her breaths, feeling it on the side of my neck, with the moans of her thrusts.

My legs were shaking out of control and my body was ready. I hit my climax and released onto the strap with a loud moan. I hope no one in the club heard that. Lou kept moving in and out, slower now. She then took off her strap and licked me clean making sure not to leave anything behind.

When her head came back up to my level, I took my hands and grabbed each side of her face and kissed her again. "I'll never leave you again" I looked into her eyes and without saying it, I said I was sorry, for everything I did and all the pain I caused.

"Good" She was firm with her reply, but she let out a smirk, lifting up the corner of her mouth.

~Authors note: the next few days are busy for me so I might not update for a while but I'll be going on a road trip soon so I'll try to write in the car lol

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