Chapter 29- Lookalike

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Slight Smut

I decided to head to a bar and have a drink or two before I went home. I didn't feel like driving in the constant traffic too. I went inside a small place that had a western feel to it with sprinkles of sawdust laid out on the floor. The tables were furnished with wood. The stools had hints of country on them. I didn't really like it, but I didn't care enough to leave and find another place.

I ordered a beer and sat down alone. My posture was terrible since I was tired and sad. I hung my head low just in case I saw someone I knew. I would hate to be seen like this. I should've just gone home, I argued in my head.

"Hey!" A girl walked up beside me and smiled as she sat down in the chair to my right.

I was caught by surprise and gave a nasty look that I didn't mean to give. "Hey."

"I'm sorry. Did I disturb you?" She had lighter hair and dark eyes. She was conventionally beautiful. It didn't mean that she was ugly, but she didn't have outstanding features that I found interesting.

"Oh. No sorry. I was just thinking. I hope I didn't come off rude." I said back to her as I studied the features of her face.

"Nah, you're good. I just thought I would say hi since I haven't seen you here before"

"Are you a regular?" I was continuing the conversation now and I liked it. I liked talking to someone different.

"Not really. I've been here a few times. I just wanted to say hi anyways." She grinned as she spoke and made me blush.

We talked for a long time and it was fun. We talked about different topics, but I never mentioned Lou or Debbie, or even Tammy. I wanted to keep that part private. It was not something I wanted just anyone to know.

However, she basically told me about her whole life. Her family history, friends, past relationships, and school. She was young. Just a few years younger than me, but it felt like she was much younger because of the way she talked and how she viewed life. Maybe Lou thought the same about me when we had met.

By the end of the night, I was very drunk and could barely walk. She called a cab for us and we ended up going to her house. I did find her attractive and it was difficult to keep my composure being next to her with the little control that I had over my body.

I haven't felt the touch of another in an affectionate way in such a long time. I longed for Lou to be with me and to simply hug her and kiss her. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander off while I was with the other girl.

At her house, it was very dark with dark furniture and little lighting. She helped me as I stubbled inside. She honestly shouldn't have been the one in charge of both of us since she was just as drunk as I was, if not more.

I wasn't sure who initiated it first, me or her, but we were kissing and hands travelled everywhere on both of our bodies. Her fingers gripped my sides and her tongue moved across my abdomen and along my curves.

She touched my differently than Lou. She was soft, but she didn't know how to feel my body in just the right way to make me arch my back the way Lou could. Lou was also rougher, but always made sure not to cross any boundaries. Lou was careful when kissing me and merciless with her fingers as she would push in and out of me.

The girl was on top of me, on her bed, and I let her explore the newness of what was me. Her hair would brush against me, but it was longer than Lou's and would linger longer on my body than Lou's which would just slightly slide over my torso and drive me crazy.

I felt my body tighten and the motions were physically setting off my heartbeat. It felt nice and was refreshing to release onto her, but my heart was not in it and it only hurt me more that I wasn't with Lou.

By that time, both of us were tired, so she cuddled me and fell asleep quickly. I laid in her bed closing my eyes, but only seeing Lou's face. Her icy eyes that cut through all of the bullshit that filled up my life and her perfect hair that fell just at the right length with her bangs that would brush over her eyebrows.

I watched the woman beside me as she fell asleep. If I wanted to, I could be happy like this, with someone new. I studied her face and the tenderness of her skin. The way she resembles the coolness of Lou and the elegance that Lou had. I saw parts of Lou in her, the way her lips parted as she slept, and how her hair fell over her face in the same ways Lou's did.

I would never be as happy with her as I was with Lou though. I had come to the conclusion that I could never love someone, anyone, as much as I loved Lou. I could pretend to be content and live trying to forget, but no one could compare to Lou.

However, the more I looked at her, the more I could tell apart the differences between her and Lou. She was shorter, not by much, but the couple of inches were significant to me. She also did not wear a lot of jewelry the way Lou did. She kept things simple with a small necklace and minimal rings and bracelets. She was not as composed as Lou was. Her life was messier, and she let others know about it without thinking twice. Lou would have kept more secrets since it was the first time talking.

As a few hours passed, the care that I felt for the woman faded into disgust. Not necessarily at her, but at my actions and the way I had let someone I did not know into my body. I got up in the middle of the night. I no longer felt drunk or even buzzed.

I slid out of bed slowly and quietly to not wake her up and tiptoed out of the room grabbing my clothes that had been thrown on the floor. I stopped and looked out the window from her living room. I rested my hands on the counter of the kitchen seconds later and debated if I should leave her a note or something before I left.

I didn't plan on talking to her again, but I didn't want to seem rude. I took a deep breath and put my clothes on and simply left. I wasn't going to be with her, it didn't feel right. I got a taxi to my house and thought about the woman on my drive home.

Was she going to be upset that I had left or would it have even mattered if I had stayed or not? One thing for sure was that Lou would have cared if I had stayed or left without saying anything. Lou would have been sad that I was gone, she would never show it of course, but inside her pain would sink into her heart. It eventually would show on her face, the way it did when I drove away from her townhouse, and the time I walked away from her when she wanted to talk at my house the next day.

I was dropped off out front and walked inside my house. I plopped down on my couch immediately. The fabric was cold at first, so I curled up into a ball and drifted off swiftly.

~Authors note: I think I'm going to start another story soon which means I'm going to end this one. I will give it a proper ending not just because I'm done w it but bc I want it to be good and I owe y'all a good one for reading this much. I have had such a fun time writing this and im glad that yall have enjoyed it too. I thought I would just update u and let u know what I'm planning on doing:) I also have no idea what the new story will be ab but once I do, I will let y'all know.

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