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oikawa had felt almost sick since his encounter with iwaizumi. iwaizumi had a girlfriend. iwaizumi who always said he didn't really have much interest in girls, iwaizumi who was always so awkward whenever a girl would even ask him for the time of day. he suddenly had a girlfriend? oikawa couldn't stand it.

worst of all iwaizumi said oikawa would like her. as if, he already knew he was going to hate her. even though she had done nothing wrong he had already decided he hated her. making iwaizumi fall in love like that.

what made it worse was iwaizumi had been bugging him all week to come over and meet her, and oikawa was running out of excuses. there was only so many times he could use the excuse of 'his mum missed him' or 'he was giving takeru 1-1 volleyball lessons'. he knew he would eventually have to meet the said girlfriend iwaizumi had.

oikawa laid on his side on the bed staring at the photo of them both in their volleyball uniforms, thinking back to how it was so much simpler back then. why couldn't he of said something sooner, then maybe he wouldn't be stuck in this situation that made his heart feel so broke.

he felt his phone vibrate on the bed next to him, as he reached around behind him grabbing the phone, seeing a text from iwaizumi, as oikawa groaned already knowing what he wanted.


oi shittykawa are u coming round today?

are you that desperate for my approval
god iwa what am i your mother

shutup idiot

are u coming or not? sakura really
wants to meet u

ugh i guess🙄

only because you're practically
begging me tho

great i'll let her know

i'll see u later?

yeh see you later🤩

oikawa groaned throwing his phone down on the bed frustrated, why was iwaizumi so persistent in him meeting her. what kind of name was sakura anyway? a stupid one oikawa thought.

before he went over to iwaizumi's house, he showered and got himself dressed into just into some casual wear, nothing too extravagant but good enough to know he looked put together. he put on his glasses and messed up his hair a little before heading out, giving his mum a goodbye before locking the door behind him.

all the way there on the walk to his house oikawa was running scenarios through his head, coming up with his best shocked face for it he needed to pretend there was an emergency back at home due to unbearable awkwardness. oikawa was glad to be home, and glad to see iwaizumi again, but all the happiness he felt had been swiped away completely at the news of this sakura girl.

she single handedly ruined his trip home, and now all oikawa could do was think about going back to brazil to get away from this nightmare. he had no chance with iwaizumi, zero at all now, and he was aware of that. the best thing oikawa could do now was put on a fake smile, pretend sakura was the most amazing girl ever for iwaizumi and then go back to never talk to either of them again.

he just had to get through tonight, then oikawa wouldn't bother him anymore, his iwaizumi's sake and his own. because oikawa didn't know if he could handle seeing iwaizumi happy and coupled up someone besides himself.

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