1.Softball practice

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I had just cam back from softball practice and I was pissed my best friend dream/clay said he was going to pick me up and o texted him 50 times and no answer. I went to the bathroom and toke a shower. The warm water dripped down on my cold tired body. I got out and went into my room and put on a big shirt and some  leggings. After I changed I went into the kitchen and I heard clay yelling at his friend and his friend yelling back


So he didn't pick me up to play mincraft with friends. I understand that he is a big YouTuber and all but me and him have been friend for 5 years now we are so close we live together in are own house. I got myself some water I was walking back into my room when my leg gave out I hurt it at softball but I didn't think it was that bad. After a few seconds I saw clay run out of his office

Clay:y/n are you ok
Y/n:I'm fine I just tripped let go of me
Clay:y/n why are you mad at me
Y/n:nothing just go back to your dumb friend playing your dumb game and forget me at my practice again that was that toke me 2 HOURS to walk home from
Clay:I- I'm sorry I forget I don't mean to
Y/n:what about the 50 text I sent you that you ignored
Y/n:i don't want to hear it I'm going to my room

You walked to your room limping you sat on your bed and you got a text it was sapnap. Me and him talk a lot less then I do to clay but still he was a really good friend

Sapnap:i think you should take to clay
Y/n:i don't really want to talk to him
Sapnap:please he isn't even playing mincraft he is just sitting at his computer please talk to him he feels so bad
Y/n: i will talk to him tomorrow right now I'm tried and going to sleep
Sapnap:oh ok good night
Y/n:good night

I turned off my phone and plugged it in and put on my night stand. After like one hour I still wasn't asleep but then I heard a knock on my door

Clay:y/n are you still awake
Clay:look I'm sorry I forgot to pick you up I don't want you to be mad at me forever but I want you to know that the reason I didn't pick you up was cause I was doing a stream
Y/n:so your stream are more important that your friend
Clay:that not what I meant I meant that the money I got from the stream was to help you I remember when we were eating and you said you wanted this new bat and when you said it was way to expensive for you to get it I thought that if I did a stream I would get the money to get that bat for you as a gift cause you an amazing friend and roommate I don't know who I would be without you in my life I love you and I'm really sorry please forgive me
Y/n:clay you didn't have to but thank you and I don't want to be mad i guess it was for a good reason and what did you mean by "I love you" did you mean it as a friend or
Clay:I meant it as well more then a friend

When he said that my heart skipped a beat. I can't believe this he confessed his felling for me. That guy I've like since the first day I met him just told me he loved me

Clay:I'm going to take your silence as a you don't like me in that way it fine I should-

I cut him off with a kiss when I pulled away he looked like he just met the most beautiful girl in the world. He looked at me we sat in silence for a little the he spoke up

Clay:y/n do you want to do what we did the first day we moved in together

He toke my hand then we walked outside so the backyard we laid in the grass just looking in at the stars like the first day you got the house. You laid there on his chest.

Clay:y/n you want to be my girlfriend
Y/n:yes it how be a DREAM
Clay:you suck
Y/n:I love you too

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