17.The smp pt.3

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Your POV

I woke up on my couch someone was holding it looked up and saw dream his mask was slightly lifted I could see his freckles and a bit of his green eyes he was peaceful when he sleeps got up but was pulled back down

Y/n:I'm hungry I'm going to get food
Dream:I want to sleep stay please
Y/n:no let me get up

I got yo dream got up to I went over to the kitchen I pasted dream some bread I didn't have much food in my house but I had all that I needed I walked out of my house and saw there was a sign

Met me on the hill at 6:30 exact don't bring anything and come alone if I see someone or that you have something I will not hesitate ans kill you

The sign didn't saw it was from who I broke it before dream came out. Once he did we walked around for a bit I noticed tommy was watching us I didn't say anything. I guess dream noticed him cause he grabbed me he held me close to his and pulled out his crossbow and shot it in the direction I saw tommy in we hear a cry of pain then I felt a sharp pain in my side looked over and saw an arrow I looked over and saw fundy holding his bow I looked back at dream I felt lightheaded when all of a sudden everything went black and I fell to the floor

Dreams POV

I saw tommy hiding in the trees I pulled y/n close to me and pulled out my crossbow and shot him we heard him dream in pain I had out my crossbow away I saw y/n look at me then fall to the floor I saw an arrow in her side I looked over and saw fundy run off. I pick y/n up and walked over to the infirmary sapanp was there covering up a cut he had in his arm. He looked up and saw y/n he grabbed he and laid her down on a table he carefully pulled the arrow out he started to rape her side and laid her back down

Sapnap POV

I was in the infirmary I had cuts on my arm my and George were doing practice fights I was done when I saw dream walk in with y/n in his arms she an arrow in her side I grabbed her and laid her down on the table I carefully pulled the arrow out I saw dream walking around the room I disinfected her wound and raped her then laid her down on one of the bed that was in the room dream was still walking around the room

Sapnap:she is going to be fine dream calm down
Dream:what if she isn't it all my fault
Sapnap:it not your fault calm down
Dream:I should of been me
Dream:what if she isn't fine what if I never get to tell her how I feel
Sapnap:she is fine she is going to wake up soon and you could tell her then
Dream:what if she dosent fell the same way
Y/n:we're am I?

Dream and I looked at each other in shock

Your POV

I woke up in this room I don't know were I was there were to guys talking on of them was wearing a white shirt he had a black long sleeve underneath there was a flame on the white shirt he had black jeans he had a white bandanna pushing his black hair. The other one had a green hoodie the hood was on so I could t see his hair he had dark gray jeans on his face he had a mask with a smile on it they were both wearing white shoes. They were talking about something someone I tried sitting up but I felt a sharp pain my side I looked down and saw a bandage raped around me.

Y/n:we're am I

They both looked at each other shocked then back at me the one in the green hoodie came up to me and hugged me

Dream:omg your ok thank god
Y/n:w-who are you were an I
Y/n:who is y/n
Dream:that you I'm dream and this is sapnap
Y/n:w-why am i here w-why do I have a bandage around me
Sapnap:you got shot with an arrow
Y/n:an a-arrow who shot me why was I shot im not a bad person am I
Dream:no no your a good person someone called Fundy shot you with his bow I don't know why
Y/n:did I do something wrong for him to shoot me
Dream:what no he was going to hurt her we could have left her she would have died no no she didn't do anything wrong
Sapnap:she ran way from Tommy was he there
Dream:yea but she didn't do anything
Sapnap:what if we give her back
Dream:WHAT no I'm not giving her back you don't know what he will do to her no
Y/n:wait tommy fundy I-I know those names and a Wilbur and tubbo there so niki too
Dream:how i-is that possible how do you remember them
Y/n:can you bring me back to them
Sapnap:dream she want to
Y/n:wait i-i remember something someone told me met me at the hill at 6:30 alone with nothing what time is it
Dream:no no no your not going alone
Y/n:bring me back to tommy
Dream:he is the one who tried to kill you
Sapnap:if she want to go back then let her go back

They keep arguing I walked over to the only hill a saw I sat there waiting I didn't know what time it was after a little a saw someone walk up to me that when everything came back I remember everything now it was ..........

Hihi leaving it in a cliffhanger sorry but you will never guess who it is ok well it let for me I'm going to sleep hopefully my friend doesn't set of fireworks again

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