29.Bike ride

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Me and my boyfriend Clay were out on a bike ride in Montreal where I grew up we were in saint-Anne de Bellevue. We had just walked put of a little shop that sold boba and donuts called panda. I made Clay try there boba it was strawberry thé with mango poping boba.

Clay:this is actually goo
Y/n:see I told you maybe tomorrow we can drive out to Fairview and go to l2 it another boba place the only difference is this on is milk and l2 is juice
Clay:sure it really nice here how did you find it
Y/n:I told you I grew up here me and my mom would come here often sometimes me and my friends would come here too and follow me

We walked over to next to the water where all the boats were

Y/n:you see over there were it looks like a dock
Y/n:that is the water treatment plant I showed you yesterday right by the house
Y/n:yea i love it here I mean I love it in Florida to but I miss my friend and my family that are all here
Clay:I get it I mean who wouldn't it beautiful here there is a dock right next to where you lived and all your friends were close you walked over the bridge and your here it beautiful
Y/n:you want to go for lunch there is a place it really good come on
Clay:your really excited aren't you
Y/n:well yea im showing you the place I grew up in it like when you showed me around Orlando

We walked away from the water and over to a restaurant and bar. Cunninghams. We walked in and I was greeted by my cousin he still had the same job as when I was 12 I mean it pays well I should know I was bartender when I was 16 I only got the job cause the owner was my stepmom uncle and he knew me

Y/n:hey c/n (cousin name)
C/n:hey n/n what are you doing back here thought you moved to Florida
Y/n:am i not allowed to come back to see family. Oh clay this is my cousin c/n,  c/n this is clay my boyfriend
Clay:nice to meet you
C/n:you to table for two i guess

We sat down at a table I already knew what I wanted the same thing I always get. Clay was looking at the menu he was shocked there were this you don't have in Florida like poutine and deep fried pickles I don't know how clay has never had deep fried pickles

Y/n:get a poutine trust me you will love it
Clay:what is it exactly
Y/n:it fries with cheese and gravy over it it delicious
Clay:sure what are you getting
Y/n:that same thing I always get pretzels bread burger with deep fried pickles instead of fries
Clay:that sounds good
Y/n:I'll let you have a bit

As me and clay talk I saw the owner walk up to us, Jimmy, my old boss, my stepmom uncle, the best cook I've ever met.

Jimmy:y/n is that really you
Y/n:hi Jimmy yea it me I came back to visit family I thought I would show my boyfriend around I obviously had to bring him to the best place there is
Jimmy:oh your to nice what can I get for you too
Y/n:I will have my regular as clay will have a poutine
Y/n:water is fine for me, what do you want to drink clay
Clay:water is fine
Jimmy:ok I will get you your food

He walked back into the kitchen and my and clay kept talking

Y/n:so how do you like Montreal so far
Clay:I mean I love it if I didn't have such a great torture guide it would be the same
Y/n:oh stop so tomorrow I was thinking we go shopping at Fairview
Clay:I thought it was a boba place
Y/n:no no no Fairview is a mall in the mall there is a boba place l2
Clay:ooooh ok
Y/n:what do you want to do after we eat we can stay here for longer or we can do whatever you want
Clay:I want to see this Izabella person you keep talking about she seams nice
Y/n:you want to met Bella I don't know if she still lives at the same place we can try and see and we can go to the school I went to hight school and primary school

We talked a bit more then are food got here once we ate we got back to are bikes and biked to the house we were staying in we put are bikes away we were both tired so we went to watch a movie in the room we were staying in

I could write more but ha ha no

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