8.I will protect you

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875 words


A/n:I'm writing this cause it something I picked in my head I do that sometimes there bad and sometimes there good this one is so so I hope you enjoy my pain 🙂 and pretend that tommy is older then 17 pretend he is 20 ok cause then we doing some illegal shit

I was at the park with my friend tommy just walked and talking when he noticed someone watching me

Tommy:hey y/n there is a guy over there watching you
Y/n:what do you mean

You turn around and saw the one person you never wanted to talk to again. I guess he noticed that you saw him and he started walking to you

Y/n:hey tommy I think we should go back to your place
Tommy:ok sure let go

You guys started walking back to his house when you felt something someone grab your wrist I turned around and tommy noticed cause he turned too

??:hey y/n it been a long time since we talked
Y/n:no no no Wilbur you can't just show up in my life after what you did to me
Wilbur:y/n/n I'm sorry I never ment to hurt you if anything you the one who hurt me
Y/n:don't pull that shit with me do you really think I wanted to stop talking to you you were the only person I felt like you understood me the only person I was able to talk to the only person who cared about me
Wilbur:your the one who said you wanted to stop talking
Y/n:I DID CAUSE I WAS FORCED TO I never wanted to stop talking to you I had to delete your contacts and block you I-I'm sorry just leave me alone I found someone else how cares about me so you can do the same
Wilbur:please y/n can we just talk
Y/n:no and let go of me
Tommy:dude she said let go of so let go of her
Wilbur:no not until we talk

By now there were people watching us. He was still holding on my wrist but he was holding it with more force it was hurting a lot

Y/n:Wilbur let go of me please
Wilbur:no not until you forgive me please y/n
Y/n:well pull up a sit cause it going to be long now let go

You pull your wrist a way your bracelet dug into you skin so you were bleeding

Wilbur:I see you still wear the bracelet I gave you
Tommy:hey y/n you ok
Y/n:I'm fine I think we should leave before someone else get hurt
Wilbur:you can't ignore the fact you still love me
Y/n:I did last year before you said you never loved me did the day we spent in the hot tub mean nothing to you the day I thought I was supposed to be dead I told you everything then you tell me a year later I DONT MEAN SHIT to you
Wilbur:I was in a dark place I thought if I pushed you away it would be better I-I though the fact that tommy and tubbo saw us changed how you felt
Tommy:ok Wilbur I think it time you leave her alone
Wilbur:don't get involved

He punched tommy in the face and tommy punched him back they were in a full on fist fight you tried to pull Wilbur away cause you didn't want him to hurt tommy but he pushed you away and you fell backwards tommy stopped and looked at you and the floor

Tommy:Wilbur you fucked up big time

He pined Wilbur down and bet him up he was out cold he got up and gave you a hug. He held you tight and were sobbing in his cheats

Tommy:y/n your ok I'm here
Y/n:I'm sorry I brought you into this
Tommy:it fine i will protect you he can't hurt you
Y/n:it all cause of that woman if she didn't almost crash into us I would never have told Wilbur we would never have dating he would never have hurt me he would never would have hurt you
Tommy:it fine you can't see the future
Y/n:can we go back to your house now

We walked back to his house and we both went to bed as it was late

A/n.Hiii so idk if you can tell but it like a part two of hot tube and just btw I don't mean any hate to Wilbur it was just for the story I absolutely love him and don't think he would ever hurt anybody like I said he did in the story and can you please tell me if you like it if you don't well fuck you you can kiss my ass and don't tell me byeeee

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