6.Hot tube

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450 words


Tw:car crash and talk about death

A/n:just by the way I'm going to talk about something that did happen to me irl the only difference is that irl I was with more people last night I'm fine so is my dad step mom and sister it could've gone worse but it fine we called the cops and they solved it well sorta but whatever

I was sitting in the hot tub alone my friends Wilbur tommy and tubbo were coming over. I saw a car pull up and Wilbur came out of the car he was already the his bathing suit so he took off his shirt and joined you he sat next to you and saw that you weren't ok

Wilbur:hey y/n what up you are you sad
Y/n:rig he wasn't paying attention I- I could've been bead or in the hospital
Wilbur:what who how y/n
Y/n:I was in the car with my dad

~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~

I was in the car with my dad going for ice cream something we would do together when this woman past the stop and made my dad swerve the car to not get hit then did the same to a nothing car but almost hitting us again


Wilbur:omg y/n your ok your fine it ok
Y/n:what if I wasn't what if I was hurt or worse
Wilbur:but it fine your not hurt
Y/n:but what if i was dead what if I never talked to you guys what if I never told yo-
Wilbur:told me what
Y/n:it fine it not important
Wilbur:you never know we could all die tomorrow
Y/n:I don't know if you making fun of what happened to me or if your not
Wilbur:little of both buy really what did you want to tell me
Wilbur:yes that me
Y/n:I really like you like a lot and I-

Wilbur cut you off and kissed you as he was kissing you you hear two boys canting

Tommy:go Wilbur go Wilbur
Tubbo:damn I need a girlfriend now
Tommy:you can have one of my wife I have to meany

You stop kissing and see tommy and tubbo in there bathing suite standing there watching you too

Y/n:y'all are creep watching us
Wilbur:y/n/n(your nickname)
Y/n:yes that me
Wilbur:will you be my girlfriend
Y/n:no..... I'm joking yes

Tommy and tubbo got in that splash you ever time you got "to close" to Wilbur then you just sat and talked

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