13.falling apart

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602 words


A/n:this is based off something that happened but that I also imagined a little enjoy


I was at my boyfriends house I was sitting on his bed in his room he was in his office streaming. I was sat there crying thinking
I don't deserve the people who are around me I don't deserve to be happy I don't deserve to live there are people out there how want what I have I should just die  no one cares maybe if I push them away it would be better they don't care about you any way you should of just died in the house fire I was cut out of my thoughts by Wilbur walking into the room I quickly wiped my eyes so he can't see I was crying

Wilbur:hey y/n you ok
Y/n:yea I'm fine why wouldn't I be every thing is fine I'm fine your fine everything is fine your fine

You rambled for a bit

Wilbur:y/n you sure your ok
Wilbur:I know your not fine you can talk to me
Y/n:do you ever feel like everything is falling apart around you that no one really cares the the world is crumbling under you that everything you do is wrong that no one can see you for you
Wilbur:y/n did something happen you want to talk

Wilbur sat next to you and hugged you and cried a bit in his arms

Y/n:no one know this is that I need people to tell me there opinion and tell me how to be better and sometimes I imagined thing that aren't real and and I thought that you hated me cause I walked in on your stream I'm sorry I should've of knocked on the door first or something I'm sorry
Wilbur:hey y/n it fine you were only wanting to talk to me it fine 
Y/n:do everyone know you live with me now
Wilbur:I told them you were visiting that all
Y/n:ok i will go make dinner

You walked out of your shared room over to the kitchen you got your self some water and started cutting lettuce for the salad you were making. You felt arms around your waist you turn around and see Wilbur of course it him. He lead down and gave you a little kiss and grabbed the knife you were using and the cutting board you were using

Wilbur:let me help you and I don't trust you with a knife after what you told me
Y/n:Wilbur give to back

You go to grab the knife you weren't thinking straight and grabbed the blade of the knife and cut your hand You pulled you hand away and held it close to you

Y/n:fuck fuck fuck
Wilbur:are you ok

Wilbur dropped then knife and grabbed your hand to look at it

Wilbur:it looks like a deep cut her come with me
Y/n:Wilbur it fine I will just rinse it
Wilbur:that not a "I just rinse it and it fine" it a "I clean it of and rap my hand" kind of cut
Y/n:wil it fine

You and him walk into the bathroom he put alcohol in it I burnt like a bitch and then he rapped you hand

Wilbur:how about we just order

You give him a smile then he ordered from f/r (favourite restaurant) and got you f/f (favourite food)

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