23.soccer game

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990 Words

Karl Jacobs

A/n:so y'all I got this idea while I was at my sisters soccer game so enjoy and bye I'm putting one of my best friends name as your best friends name

Your POV

I was sitting in my sisters car waiting for her game to be done while I was waiting I was on facetime with my bestie izabella we were laughing and talking we were able to see outside from my phone screen. After  about 30 minutes I still had an hour

Izabella:girl there is someone at your window
Y/n:what do you mean

I turned around and saw my old friend Karl Jacobs I mean I have no idea what he is doing here I mean he lives in North Carolina and I live in Canada (shout-out my Canadian😏)

Y/n:can I call you back later
Izabella:yea sure

I hung up and jumped out of the car and hugged him

Y/n:KARL what are you doing here
Karl:am I not allowed to see my childhood best friend anymore
Y/n:yea but really why are you here
Karl:filming a video with Jimmy and saw your sister playing so I thought I would stop by and say hi
Karl:more known as mr. Beast
Y/n:oh yea that true film with him
Jimmy:Karl let go we need to get the next shot. Oh hey you must me y/n I'm Jimmy
Y/n:well you already know my name so
Jimmy:ok Karl I need you for this shot please hurry up
Karl:yea two second we talk to you later y/-

He was cut off by people yelling and it was like someone got hurt and my instinct is to go see what happened I run over and see a bunch of people around two people I looked in a gap and saw it was my sister and some other girl on the other team. When I saw that she was helping my sister up I walked a bit closer then I realized something was wrong with my sisters leg. So me being the sister I am I jumped the fence and ran over to her

Y/n:are you ok what happened
Sister:I'm fine just hurt my self
Y/n:I think your leg is broken SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE

I saw Karl coming over to see what happened. My sister was older then me so I had a hard time keeping her up so Karl grabbed her bridal style after a bit some more people came but these people were here to help her they have one of those rolling thingins (idk what there called) they put her in the ambulance me and Karl got in with her

Sister :guys it fine it nothing
Doc:actually you broke your leg your going to have to be on crutches for the rest of the season I'm sorry but you can't play anymore
Sister:WHAT but I'm the only goalie on my team I can't let my team down
Doc:I'm sorry but if you try and walk without crutches you may permanently damage your leg so just sit out this season
Sister:no no no Thai can't be happening
Y/n:sis im sorry i will move in with you if you need amd help you
Karl:I can stay to and help
Sister:I didn't even know you were here Karl well it nice to see you but you guys it fine
Y/n:well I'm still going to be over everyday making sure your ok so I'm just going to move in it going to be easier

Time skip (once your sister was resting in the hospital room)

Your sister was laying in the hospital bed she was asleep cause she was tired from her game before this all happened. Me and Karl were still sat in the room Karl canceled his filming to make sure my sister was ok I mean Jimmy understood he did see it all happened. Karl also tweeted that he was going to be inactive on social media everyone was asking and he always replied "something happened and I have to go offline to make sure everything is ok" we were just talking I had one hand holding my sisters anf the other one holding Karl's. Karl new I was stressed about what happened to my sister and he knew to make me feel better to hold my hand or only helps when it him but still. I had my head resting on his shoulder cause it was getting late

Doc:you guys can stay the night she will probably wake up in the middle of the night early morning
Y/n:ok thank you doc

The doctor left the room fell into silence all you could hear was Karl's and I breathing. I was slowly falling asleep and Karl just whispered in my ear

Karl:get some sleep you've been so stressed good night princess

And with that I was out my head on Karl's lap laying on a couch that was in the room his playing with my hair and my sister sound asleep

A/n:hiiii so I was at my sisters game and all the ideas just hit me like when sadness hits me I was writing it but then my mom said "put your phone down and actually watch your sister" so yea I hope you has a good night as it is LTE for me or mornings or afternoons just so you know I won't post tomorrow as I did post two times today tomorrow I'm going to be with my friend sooo and this didn't actually happen my sister is fine she got hurt cause she was kicked but that normal ok bye bye


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