11.softball practice pt2

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516 words

Bee boy tubbo

Time skip to the game


I was on my way to the game I saw my coach walk out of his car I wasn't that surprised I guess it was one of his other team but the I saw TUBBO walk out in a with HIS softball stuff he had seen me so he made a mouvement telling me to come to him

Coach:hey y/n I'm glad you made it here is the shirt you can go to the bathroom over there and change into it
Y/n:yea thank

I walk over the the bathroom and change omg I'm going to be playing with tubbo wait maybe I could get his number after whatever you need to focus on the game. You walked out and saw tubbo you walked up to him

Y/n:hey Im still sorry about yesterday
Tubbo:it fine I'm glad you could make it to the game I didn't think you would come
Y/n:it a game I would never miss a game
Tubbo:come on I will show you were to go

You follow him over and you put your bag down next to his omg he is so cute I'm going to get his number after the game wait what if he thinks it weird

Tubbo POV

I'm going to ask her what the worst that can happen

Tubbo:hey y/n
Tubbo:there is still some time before the game start and I want to know if I can get your number
y/n:sure here it **********

She gave my her number I have her number omg yes yes yes

y/n POV

He just asked me ask me for my number I gave him my number omg yesssss. Ok time to focus on the game it starting

After the game

The game just finished the game I got my back my mom wasn't here wet were is she I tried texting her no reply

Tubbo:hey y/n you ok you look stressed
y/n:my mom was supposed to come and get me she isn't here and she isn't answering my text so
Tubbo:I can ask my dad if he could drive you
Y/n:oh no no it fine you don't have to
Coach:don't worry y/n we could drive you
Y/n:ok i guess

I got into the car my coach was driving me and tubbo in the back it was silent I wasn't that long of a drive we got to my house I said bye to my coach and tubbo and went in side and I got a text it was from a number I didn't know


Hey it me

Oh hey tubbo

?? was changed to tubbo🥺

So tomorrow
what are you

Nothing much I. why

You want
to hang out


I texted tubbo a bit more then went to bed

A/n:hiii I'm going to make a pt3 tomorrow or later tonight see you all later byeee

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