15.the smp pt.1

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(So just btw this is all in mincraft but it like irl so it kinda like we shifted or something ok ok)

Y/ns POV

I was walking around on the dream smp I was looking for wood do I had my axe in hand. I walked over to Tommy's base if I remember correctly there were some trees around there I walked over and saw two people fight it was tommy and I don't know who it was hard to tell I walked over to them when I realized it was dream. Dream was never the violent type well not when I was on the server at least I was up close like a few feet behind them dreams back to me I heard one last yell of pain then I saw a message in chat

Tommyinit was killed by Dream

Dream picked up his axe and turned around he was going to walk off but when he was me he froze he dropped his axe I couldn't see his face cause of his mask but I could tell he was in shock I look at chat again

Dream:vc2 y/n

I joined the vc like he said to do and he started talking

Dream:y/n what are you doing here
Y/n:I was getting wood why did you kill him
Dream:it not what it looked like
Y/n:really cause it looked like you just killed tommy for no reason
Dream:there was a reason
Y/n:and what was that so he didn't get this

I pulled out Tommy's disks and dropped them on the floor then picked them back up

Dream:y/n why do you have those how did you get them
Y/n:you gave them to me but was to occupied killing tommy that you forgot I was going to go give them back to you but you know what I'm going to walk over to L'manburg and give them back the disks cause that all that is important to you
Dream:y/n your going to get your self killed if you do that
Y/n: so it I get killed by you and you take the disk or I go over there and give them the disk or die trying to
Dream:y/n it suicide your not going to make it
Y/n:no i don't care

I started to walk off when I felt something go into my back I fell forward and dream came up to me and pulled out an arrow and someone walked up to us

Dream:I told you your going to get hurt ok
Tommy:I saw you with my disks y/n give them to me

I said taking the disks out but then dream toke them

Dream:if you want them you have to kill me
Tommy:or I could take y/n and make you give them to me
Dream:you wouldn't
Y/n:dream stop

I said weak blood was coming out of my back I hurt I was at 4 heart cause I got attacked but a creeper before dream hugged me and said into my ear

Dream:I will get you back no matter what

Tommy then grabbed you and ran off to L'manburg when he got there he put me in the hotdog van Wilbur and tubbo just looked at me in shock

Wilbur:how did you get her she is always with dream
Tubbo:he us going to come back and take her
Tommy:it fine he isn't he wouldn't have ran away when I grabbed her if he cared

He had his axe under my chin pushing my head up a little

Wilbur:tommy I think this has gone to far all this for disk
Tommy:MY disks
Wilbur:this is to far your going to kill her

He pushed more on your neck it was cutting just a bit you were all full or dirt and blood form the arrow

Tubbo:Tommy stop this is to far let her go
Tommy:Im not letting her go until I get MY DISK

He walked away with the two boys they left me in a room with all the doors locked no windows not nothing

Guys I'm cutting it short I will post a part two tomorrow it just it like 10 pm and I had gym class Thai morning and I'm soooo tried so good night or morning if it morning byeeeeeee

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