21.The smp pt.6

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A/n:so when the story is called the smp it dream unless I say it someone else ok


I woke up in the same bed as last time this time when I turned around I was only not next to dream I was alone. I stud up and walked over to my closet and saw a note

Sorry y/n had to leave for something if you need anything sapnap a room is right next to ares on the left


After I read it I grabbed and hoodie and leggings I got in the shower then changed I walked out of the room and walked over to sapnaps room and nicked on the door I heard a faint "come in" so I opened the door and saw sapnap sitting on his bed cleaning his axe

Sapnap:hey y/n
Y/n:hey sap did clay tell you were he was going
Sapnap:don't call dream clay anymore and no all he said was he was leaving for something
Y/n:do you want to do something I'm bored dream told me to come see you if I needed anything
Sapnap:sure wait actually come with me

He put his axe on his hip and grabbed my hand and ran out of the castle. We ran over to this hill it had flowers and a bench he sat down and I sat down next to him I remember this from when we were younger when we were 12-13 he was always a years younger

~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~

Me and sapnap had ran out of are houses after are parents had us training all day it was getting late the sun was slowly setting me and sapnap had found this place not to long ago ever since we found it we would come every night. We would do something do stuff like this every night since we were about 7 or 8 we have been friends since we were born are parent were friends to


Me and sapnap were just sitting there looking over the full smp it remembered me of the good days and some bad days we would always come here came here when ever we had a problem or just if we needed to be alone from everyone we were the only ones who understand each other. When my parent were getting a divorce I was only 14 his parent toke me in as there own but about a years later it was his parent getting the divorce we would talk to anyone but each other we would come over to this exact beach and talk about how we are feeling

Sapnap:my dad is going to marry someone new
Y/n:have you met this person
Sapnap:that the thing it someone who I know and you know
Y/n:really who is it
Sapnap:your mom and my dad are getting married

I was sat in shock I mean my mom and his dad were close but we never say them as getting married I didn't even know my mom was dating his dad I also haven't talked to here in the past 7 years

Sapnap:we should get back to the castle dream is going to be looking for you
Y/n:yea your right

We stood up and walked back in when we walked in we heard a lot of yelling it sounded like dream yelling to to someone I haven't met


We saw dream walk out of a room with someone following him. I could tell dream was mad but it was hard to see cause of his mask when he saw me he he lighted up a bit

Dream:y/n my beloved were where you I've been looking everywhere
Y/n:me a-and sapnap when out
Dream:y-you a-and sa-sapnap

I heard his voice brake I don't know why it was but I just nodded as a reply

??:im punz

The guy behide dream said giving me his hand to shake it


I shook his hand dream then grabbed my hand and walked over to the room

Dream:what were you doing with sapnap all day
Y/n:we were just talking
Dream:I told you I have to know were you are at all times
Y/n:then where were you
Dream:I don't have to tell you anything
Y/n:well if you want me to marry you I have to know were you are
Y/n:then you don't have to know were I was
Dream:I will get sapnap in this room now and he will tell me everything
Y/n:you want to know why I was out all day with him IT CAUSE MY MOM IS GOING TO MARRY HIS DAD AND I HAD NO IDEA THAT THEY STILL TALKED and I-I felt left out I've everything

Dream let go of my arm and hugged you I never knew I how much I missed his warm hugs. I jus broke down in his arms he pulled us over to are bed he sat down I was sat on his lap my legs around him and I had my arms around his neck. I was just crying crying so much I felt like I was going to drown in my tiers. I never knew that a little y/h ( your height) woman could have so many tiers I slowly fell asleep in him arms

Dreams POV

I had just came back from a meeting I had to have with quackity and y/n was no were to be found i told punz to make sure he know were she was at all times. I yelled at him the saw y/n with sapnap. I grabbed y/n and broth her back in the room she told me why she was out and how her mom made her feel left out. We were sitting on the bed she was crying in my arms but after a bit I didn't hear sobs anymore I heard a little snore she had fallen asleep I just layed back and went to sleep my self

A/n:hiii so sorry I posted later then I wanted to but tomorrow I have my fist game and I'm really stressed I hope you have a good night day or after noon I won't post tomorrow just btw byeeeee

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