Pain...(Asgore X frisk)

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Well what do we have ourselves toda-

Well what do we have ourselves toda-

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Mom unbirth me please. Oh god what do i even say I think the best thing to say would be... No? Like im sorry but why does this exist like honestly ya know its best to not question things like this ig people just like shipping frisk with goats or something 🥱 anyway yea asgore said they could be a family but I don't think he meant this... also asgore still has a thing for toriel so the chances are already low asf but lets continue for what logical reason would asgore call you a child and basically offer to adopt you but as soon as y'all walk on the surface he just becomes a pedo and ffs the people who say frisk isn't a child then why then whY does toby put so much effort into calling them a child to say oh nah its a joke u pick frisks age... that's crazy toby spent hours of coding and game design having people call frisk a child multiple times just for y'all to assume it because frisk is short chu know what I don't wanna argue about that rn so whatever. AnywayyyyyyYYy I decided I'll give it a chance so I'll do that rn. Didn't find anything on watt so i have to venture out onto the- internet *dramatic music* the only other things i could find were on Ao3 but i have absolutely no idea how to use it B) so anyway I'll just have to go based off of my imagination- yea but imagining it anything could happen so gotta apply so realism and then im like yea this aint happenin though i guess it wouldn't be impossible-but thats only because i was being hyper ignorant to everything that would make this ship false also toriel probably would be sitting outside watching asgores house burn after committing arson. Anyyyywwwayyy yea forgive me for my sin when i say it looks cute tho like art wise but nah otherwise ye I completely hate it so— and no Sans-19 you aren't the only person who would like to live with asgore like imagine living set for life your father is the king and makes tea also hugs i like hugs a lot probably to much. Anyway lets get into rating and stuff
Imma be honest with y'all good art no stories and i dislike the general idea so
Bad   decent    good
The ship is bad the art was nice cant blame me I mean you can but eh
Ship rating
1/10 eh just cuz i like art doesn't mean i like the concept
Ship probability
0% realistically its not happening but if i turn my brain off it could work
Alright now that we are done talking about a child dating a big fuzzy goat man thanks to you the reader for making it to the end of this chapter ik the uploads aren't constant but im trying alright anyway if you haven't already check out Churpen and Silver_Snowflake61  they have some great books ims surely you will enjoy if you are wondering about any of my other books i got you just wait a lil and I'll be done soon hopefully and also I really need to apologize to Dmuchawadolisci123 I have literally forgotten to shout them out since the last time I actually did shout outs and I realized this in my sleep and feel kinda bad so yea
Alright imma dip
Here is a fan art thing since i used the pain joke instead which was worth it

 Anyway lets get into rating and stuffImma be honest with y'all good art no stories and i dislike the general idea so Bad   decent    good|~~~~~|~~~~~|    ^The ship is bad the art was nice cant blame me I mean you can but ehShip rating1/10 eh just...

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Its not ship art which is even better for me and you alright cool good later

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