Burghly x Susie (Berdly*)

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My god jjk book off my back a huge stress reliever tbh anyway lets talk about a ship that occurred in chapter two well not so much occurred as to was mentioned and is completely 1 sided if you finished part two ya love it ya know the best chapter 2 meme ship Berdly(I think🤔)x Susie also i did stream the entirety of deltarune in my discord feel free to join im on th but ere with my homies pretty often shameless plug ik ik. Anyway there is no ship better than this no I don't like them as a couple its just the funniest story behind it and god it cracks me up thinkin ab the dumb duo dating, anyway im sure you probably played deltarune considering its free if u haven't uh do you need a link to the download page? Or maybe u dont have a computer but then again you could watch it on YouTube, but maybe you wanna play the game blind when you get your computer or it comes to switch/xbox/i think ps but idek tbh. Anyway I would love love love to avoid spoilers but this entire ship is a spoiler so I'll just ya know put a warning here from beyond this point it's spoilers and me but being annoying and complaining ab something that grinded my gears a bit and btw how tf do u take a screenshot on windows i swear my computer just doesn't like me cus i be tryna ss and shit will just like stop mid way for some reason ah im off topic mb

Spoilers ahead thx for reading if ur not lookin thru spoilers if u don't mind or have finished continue scrollin

So anyway as y'all know berdly the brave but brainless blue baffled Buffon we all know and hate at first anyway btw am I the only one who thought "THAT'S FALCO FROM STAR FOX" when I saw him in his armor? Ah off topic let me get on track so I'll gib a summary of the backstory for those who ignore dialogue or are bold enough to not give 2 s-words about spoilers (family-friendly content😎) So berdly kinda smart ig not too much enters spelling bee with Noelle the smartest kid at school and wins cause the last word struck something in Noelle causing her to freeze up giving berdly the win forcing him into top tier status amongst the school as the new smartest student of course nearly nobody cared though so he just seemed like a douche to everyone but Noelle would still help him out be it studying or projects ff a while berdly thinks Noelle is helping him cus she likes him and pretended to reciprocate those feelings to make Noelle feel better and still help with his studies. Can't blame him school was annoying asf if I had to manipulate people to get straight A's best believe I don't know y'all anymore but Gawd damn school was hard or not hard more like irritating well when I was in it idk what it's like for y'all now but I imagine equally as annoying.
Anyway, berdly hated Susie simply because Susie was stupid or so he said personally I thought berdly was just able to tell that Noelle was into Susan and that's why but apparently it's not and he himself didn't even know which leads to one of the funniest moments in-game and my personal favorite

Y'all can't tell you weren't thinking of doing it everyone wanted to even the main villain probably wanted to. Anyway, as the video shows berdly likes Susie and blah blah blah leads to funny scenes in game-like berdly pretending to be too tired to fight and the only way to help them is a kiss from Susie which I got fooled for a second cause Susie went over to him kneeled down and said dude are you okay all very slowly I thought they were ab to kiss. But to top, this entire ship off it would be so funny if berdly was right and Noelle liked berdly Susie liked Noelle and berdly liked Susie cause that would be the best love triangle ever where berdly pretends to reciprocate those feelings while Susie is feeling for Noelle but berdly is feeling for Susie and ah it just sounds like something I would love to see and laugh at perhaps toby will do it(Nah he won't but it would be funny asf)
Speaking of toby he disrespected me I was personally offended by what he did like let me just show y'all

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