Queen x Roulx

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Back to typing in the middle of the night half asleep
Okay where should I begin i can get behind it
Their dynamic is funny imo he wants to be second in command and she doesn't even know him. They both seem to care somewhat about lancer in canon while in fanon they are basically his parents. Not much to say about them other then they act pretty similar and I imagine them being friends. There is potential for love but it's pretty low. But it would be rad to see them date lol what an interesting pair of oddballs
Over all
Ship in terms of likability
Ship in terms of art
Well hardly any ship art and by hardly i mean none so 5/10 cus i found a picture that made me laugh
And in terms of possibility
4/10 toby is a weird lad

Hey guys im back happy woman's history month am i here to stay oh for a while i should be so let's enjoy this time also damn this book blew up while i was gone huh💀 anyway hope y'all are havin a nice day or night where ever u are see y'all later again
Forgot to say this one goes out to rainyrainbowdancer. Lol thx for the suggestion

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