I Promise

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Trigger Warning this chapter talks about $3lf h@4m and bullying 

The next few days went by, with school canceled for the school to tighten security Kirishima and Bakugo just hung out and trained with the rest of the Bakusquad.

Kirishima went into her living room and sat on her couch and pulled out her phone and decided to scroll through Facechat and saw that one of her former classmates posted something

Tiga Higarashi

Did anyone hear about what happened at UA?!? I wonder if that loser is ok, who am I kidding no one would miss a freak like her! LMAO!

The comments weren't much better. It got to the point where she just started crying uncontrollably, but that only opened her mind to let her dark thoughts in.

Freak! Die!

Nobody! No one will miss you!

Worthless! Weirdo!

Weak! Try Hard!

Wannabe! ...

Give Up!

That last thought made Kirishima shatter. She started crying even harder to the point she could barely breathe. She just quickly picked up her phone and clicked on Bakugo's contact. The phone only rang one time for Bakugo to pick up. "Baku... go..." Kirishima said between sobs and coughs. "No need to say anything else, I'm on my way." Bakugo said while quickly getting his shoes on "Just try to breathe, ok?" Bakugo could hear the state Kirishma was in so he just made a mad sprint to her house. "I'll be there soon." "Do...n't g-go" Kirishima choked out. "Don't worry I'm not going to hang up until I'm in the room with you." Bakugo said just about a block away from Kirishima's. "I'm almost there, I'm just going to use the spare you showed me to get in."

At this point Kirishima is still sobbing and is starting to pick at herself with her quirk. She knows Bakugo is almost there but in that moment she felt so lost. Just then Bakugo comes in through the front door and follows the sound crying to Kirishima, worried about how he was about to find her. When he got to the living room and saw Kirishima he quickly ran up to her, held her hands and sat infront of her. "Hey, hey, I'm here. Ei, look here in my eyes." Bakugo said softly as Kirishima made eye contact. When the blood shot, teary eyes met with worried red eyes she was pulled from her mind. "Breathe with me, okay?" Kirishima nodded, squeezing Bakugo's hands. "In. 2. 3. 4. Hold. 2. And out. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6." He said guiding her "And again in. 2. 3. 4. Hold. 2. And out. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6... good. Are you feeling any better?" Kirishima nodded "yeah, thank you, and sorry... yo....." Kirishima tailed off leaving room for Bakugo to say "It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for." He said reaching his hand up to wipe her tears. "Is it okay that I bandage you up?" She only paused and then looked to her fresh wounds on her arms and the blood on her hands and nodded. Just as Bakugo was about to go grab his bag from the mud room Kirishima held onto him "Don't go, please" she said in a small voice. Bakugo realized something important in that moment "I'm not going to go anywhere, I'm just going to the mud room to grab my bag and I'll be right back." Saying that was enough to get Kirishima to let go. Bakugo quickly grabbed his bag and came right back, "Now let's get you patched up." he said, grabbing the gause and gently taking care of Kirishima's arms.

When Bakugo was done patching up Kirishima, he spoke up "If I may could you tell me what happened?" Kirishima then just handed Bakugo her phone open on Facechat. What Bakugo saw made him mad but also concerned. "Ei, don't let them get in your head, I know its hard I've been there. How about this..." He paused to think, "Do you want me to call my mom about bringing some of her Katsudon over, and watch some anime?" Kirishima nodded "yeah that sounds nice, also can I get a hug." Bakugo obliged her and he messaged his mom.

Me: Old Hag, could you bring to servings of Katsudon over to Kirishima's

Hag: Sure thing, I'll also bring you a change of clothes just in case you stay the night

Me: Thanks

Bakugo sat down next to Kirishima and she put on her favorite comfort anime Fruits Basket. I might have been a romance anime but it didn't bother Bakugo. Bakugo simply put his arm around Kirishima as the two enjoyed the anime. Bakugo only got up to get Kirishima water and to get the stuff his mom dropped off. They continued to watch anime till about 22:30, when Bakugo said that she should get some sleep, only to look down to a sleeping Kirishima on his shoulder. So he did like he would any other time and laid her down on the couch and went to get her favorite blanket and a pillow.

When Bakugo came back Kirishima was in a corner sitting upright shaking. Bakugo quickly made his way to Kirishima in the street lit room. "Ei?" no response "Ei, hey Ei!" still no response. Okay then let's try this Bakugo thought, he sat infront of Kirishima, took her blanket and put it around her, then took her hands. This snapped Kirishima from her clouded vision. "Kat... su.." "I'm here, sorry for leaving you alone." with that Kirishima just hugged Bakugo tightly, "P-please don't go" "I'm not going anywhere." he said as he fell to the ground and started running his hand up and down Kirishima's back to comfort her.

After a while Kirishima finally calmed down. "Is it okay that we move to the couch and out to this corner. You need to get some sleep." Kirishima got up without letting go of Bakugo. They walked to her couch and they just went back to the way they were. "You can sleep, I'm not going to go anywhere. I promise." Bakugo just went to running his hand through Kirishima's hair, within a couple minutes she fell asleep.

Whenever you need me, I'll never leave...


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