A New Start?

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Kirishima was happy with how her hair turned out. It's now a nice sleek red like her eyes. She knew she still had a week till she started school.

•Time Skip•

It was the morning of her first day of school while walking towards the U.A. campus Kirishima ran into Mina. "Yo, Mina! Wait up!" Kirishima shouted from about half a block away. Mina just stopped and turned around to face Kirishima, "Hurry up then Kiri, I don't want to be late!" Mina retorted. Kirishima did a light jog up to Mina, "Thanks for waiting. So which class did you get into?". Mina looked up "Oh, I'm in class 1-A, also why did you dye your hair?" Kirishima just looked at Mina "I didn't like my black hair, it reminded me too much of my past so I dyed it to symbolize a new start for myself. Also I'm in class 1-A, too." As the two girls reach the school they continue to chat about life and what they did over the summer. Kirishima didn't have much to talk about since she was busy training most of the time. The girls went inside the building and made their way to class 1-A.

When they went into the classroom there were only a few students there so Kirishima and Mina went to sit down at two desks that were near each other so they could continue talking as the rest of the class shows up. Eventually a blonde pomeranian came in and sat at the desk in front of Kirishima's and put his feet up on it. Then all of a sudden this blue haired boy that sort of reminded Kirishima of sonic started to lecture the blonde pomeranian. Not long after that the teacher comes inching into class in a yellow sleeping bag and told the class to go put on their gym uniforms and meet him on the training field.

After everyone made it out to the field he explained that they were going to be doing quirk assessments and the one who scored the worst would be expelled. Between the trials Kirishima would be talking with some of her other classmates, making friends or taking mental notes on the other students' quirks. After the trials most of the class was anxious about who was going to be sent home until Aizawa said that it was just a joke to make them all work their hardest. After that, everyone was dismissed and the first day of school was done, that didn't go as bad as I thought it would've Kirishima thought as she started her journey home. She made it home safely and she thought it was nice to go to school and to actually not get bullied. Kirishima then went up to her room to sit on her bed and text with her new friends and Mina.

After about an hour of chatting with friends she decided to get on with her usual training, so she got out her training outfit and changed. Kirishima then grabbed her earbuds, did her stretches and got ready for her mile jog around her neighborhood. Once she got back home she started to work with her punches and other forms of hand to hand combat. After working on that for about half an hour she switched to lifting her weights. Once Kirishima was done with her training for the day she cleaned out her room and went to get her shower before she goes down to eat dinner. When she went down to make herself some dinner and went through her social media to see that her former bullies had followed her on Picgram. The only thought that went through her head was Oh Shit! Kirishima then just put her phone down not wanting to see how many likes or comments she had gotten on her post from this morning. She sat down to eat her meal she made herself then cleaned up her mess.

After cleaning up Kirishima went up to her room, plugged in her phone and went to sleep.

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