Return of My Demons

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Kirishima wakes up the next morning and does her usual morning routine to get ready for school. After getting ready in her school uniform she grabs all of her things and slides her phone into her bag not really wanting to look at any of the notifications. She then goes down to the kitchen to make her protein shake getting it ready for her walk to U.A.. Once she was done with getting everything together and ready for school she went to the door with her bag and protein shake making sure she has her keys and a bottle of water and got her shoes on. She left her house closing and locking the door behind her.

Before Kirishima meets up with Mina to walk the rest of the way to school, she digs her phone out of her bag to message Mina. Before she gets the chance to message Mina, she sees all of her notifications on her post from the first day of school. There were a lot of positive messages but there were also a lot of mean comments from her bullies back in middle school. She decided to go through the comments to see who all commented and what -

@ alienqueen That's my BESTIE<3

@ tiggerrpounce wow you look even uglier with red hair

@ ilikeprettythings Geez you are really trying BUT YOU STILL FAIL

@ electrifyme only met you today but we are already great friends this year is gonna be a blast See More...

Kirishima decided to close out of Picgram and just message Mina where she is. Mina responds almost immediately with her location and that Denki is meeting up with them as well. Kirishima just responds with an "ok". She then opens her music app, got her earbuds out and started to listen to her music as she made her way to where her, Mina, and Denki would be meeting up at.

When Kirishima got to where they were meeting up at, she sees that Denki is already there. "Yo Kaminari, how's it going?" she slightly shouted. "It's going, So how are you Kiri?" Denki replied. Kirishima didn't really want to say how she was feeling especially after seeing the comments on her post so she just smiled and replied "I'm doing great thanks for asking." Just as she finished answering, Mina meets up with Denki and Kirishima. "Sorry I didn't make it here sooner, I got distracted while walking." Kirishima laughs a little "Yep, that's Mina for you. Also Mina it's fine I got here not too long ago." Mina releases a sigh of relief as she perks back up, " Well we should get going then." Denki and Kirishima both nod in agreement as they all start walking and creating small talk between one another.

When the crew got to their classroom they all sat together as another friend comes to join the trio, "Yo Sero, what's up bro?" Denki asks, getting Sero into the conversation. The squad was all enjoying their small talk then Mina pauses and calls Bakugou over to join the squad, " Hey Bakugou, why don't you come over and talk with us?" Bakugou looked annoyed at first but obliged her "Fine, but you extras better not try to pull anything."

The small talk continued and the squad exchanged social medias and numbers. Eventually, the sleepy teacher comes in and explains that they need to pick and class president and vice president and the whole class went up in chatter. After everyone put in their votes the two that were selected for class reps. didn't want the position or felt that someone else deserved it. At the end it was decided the Iida will be class president and Momo as his second in command.

The day from there on went pretty quick, Kirishima was enjoying herself with her friends as they would have great conversations while classes changed. Now it was the end of the school day and Mina suggests that they all get ice cream together and Kirishima was hesitant at first but she went along. When the squad got to the ice cream parlor Kirishima and Mina both insisted that they had to get a group selfie, Bakugo was the only one who opposed the idea. After a bit of convincing from the two girls Bakugo caved and got a selfie with the rest of the group. The group goes in and they all got their favorite ice cream but Kirishma forgot her money. Mina insists "Common Kiri, I'll buy your ice cream. I have enough money on me." "No thanks Mina, I don't want to take your money. I'll just chill with you while you guys eat your ice cream." Mina was about to say something but Denki cuts in " That's not right though, it just is not fair to you. Why don't we all pitch in to get you an ice cream." Everyone agreed with Denki's idea, even Bakugo. Kirishima still insisted " You guys really shouldn't, it's your money." she then glances at her phone when she feels it buzz."Anyhow, I have to go see you guys tomorrow. " she then said with a slightly shakened voice. Mina was about to say something to her but she was already gone. Bakugo noticed the shakiness in Kirishima's voice and that she left her bag behind, and he looks at Mina and all she does is shrug.

When Kirishima left the ice cream parlor she went running home, she was ⅔ of the way home when she realizes she left her school bag at the parlor. She opened her phone once she got home and messaged the squad chat

KIRI: hey did anyone grab my bag I accidentally left it at the parlor

BOOM BOOM BOI: Yeah shitty hair, we are actually following Mina to your place right now.


ALIEN QUEEN: Sorry not sorry

Kirishima then turned her phone off and quickly wiped her tears and made her face look like she wasn't crying.The message she got while she was at the ice cream parlor was from a former classmate and it read "Hey FREAK, how much you want to bet those people hanging out with you and Mina are only there because they like her. You are just a nobody HAHAH"

After about five minutes the squad got to her house and rang the doorbell. Kirishima checked herself one last time to make sure it didn't look like she was crying, Kirishima opened the door and greeted her friends. Mina was the first to walk in, " Hey bestie, so I see you are already dressed to train for the night." she chuckles. Kirishima looks down and forgot that she put the training outfit on, " Yeah, give me a second,but in the meantime make yourselves at home." Kirishima quickly ran to her room to grab a hoodie so none of them could see her scars hoping that no one noticed them. She then ran back down to the living room where the squad has made themselves at home. " Ok, I'm back!" she announced. Mina raised a brow but just shrugged it off. Bakugo then spoke up, "So dunceface said since we had to bring your bag to you we should surprise you with something from the ice cream parlor, so we all pitched in and got you a chocolate milkshake and a waffle cone. Mina said that chocolate was your favorite flavor so here you go." he finished while standing up and handing the shake and cone to Kirishima. She just looked at the squad "Thanks guys but you really didn't have to." Sero then spoke up "Kiri don't worry about it we wanted to." The rest of the group nodded their heads to verify his claim. "Mina said that you were in your training clothes. Do you train by yourself?" Bakugo mentioned. Kirishima looked at Bakugo "Yes, I do I've done it since my last school year ended and I made it more and more intense as it got closer to the entrance exams. Why do you ask?" Bakugo then noticed that her eyes were red but decided not to say anything, "Want to have a training partner, because I personally rather fight with someone else to get stronger." Bakugo said while sparking his hand a little. Kirishima smiled "Sure, then I can work on getting my quirk stronger against more types of things." A smirk grew on his face "Great how about tomorrow then? Also, I won't go easy on you just because you are a girl." Kirishima chuckled "That works, and I wouldn't imagine you going easy on anyone." she paused for a moment "Hey guys it's a little late shouldn't you guys be getting home." Mina was the first to hop up "Oh yeah, I don't want to get grounded." Sero and Denki both agreed and left at the same time. Bakugo got up not long after "I should get going because the old hag will bitch at me, but why do your eyes look like you were crying? Was it for the same reason you had to leave?" Kirishima just thought to herself OH SHIT "You noticed, but how?" "Your eyes are red, also the before you left the parlor your voice was a bit shaky." Bakugo swiftly replied without missing a beat. She was shocked to say the least, "Yes, the reason I left is the reason I was crying. Please don't tell the others, especially Mina." Bakugo just nodded in reply "Don't worry, but if you need to talk just know the squad no matter how dence they can be you can talk to us. Well anyhow, goodnight." he said right before he left.

Kirishima only did some minor things for training then since she was tired now. She then finished her milkshake and her cone. After a while she plugged in her phone and called it a night not wanting to check her social medias and went to sleep.

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