Wall One Down...

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While waiting for Bakugo, Mitsuki told Kirishima to make herself at home. The two females got talking about just random things like their basic likes and dislikes. Eventually Bakugo came down in his clothing for training. "I like this girl! I think you can learn a thing of two from her!" Mitsuki said to him. With that he went over to Kirishima and grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the house. The spot that he grabbed made her wince but she kept it quiet so his mother wouldn't hear. Once the two were outside "Sorry, didn't mean to grab your arm where your scars are. You good?" he asked sincerely. Kirishima just looked at him and nodded her head, "Yeah, now lets get training!" she said with a bright smile.

It took them at least ten minutes to get to the spot Bakugo had planned to train in. Kirishima just stood there in awe as Bakugo started stretching. "You might want to, yah know? Stretch!" he said stretching his arms. "Oh right! This spot just has a very beautiful scenery." she replied. Bakugo couldn't help but chuckle at this knowing that this is where he clears his head and trains.

After they were done stretching Bakugo gave a list of exercises he thought would help the both of them, such as push-ups and climbing. They did those exercises for at least 30 minutes. "Ok, that's enough, take five and drink some water." Bakugo instructed. Kirishima looked around herself and realized she had forgotten her water. So she just sat there and Bakugo noticed this "Did you really forget your water?" he retorted, handing her an extra water he had. "Thanks but you really don't have to." she tried to oppose. "You have to stay hydrated especially if you want your bruising and scars to heal quicker. Also it's not good to dehydrate yourself so just take the damn water." So she took the water and drank it. Before they knew it, the five minutes were up.

Bakugo got up onto his feet and so did Kirishima. "This is going to help strengthen both of us. You make yourself as you can and I aim continuous explosions at you this will benefit the both of us." Kirishima got thinking Wow he really put thought into this "Ok lets do this!" she said hardening to her fullest extent. He did just as he said and she did what he said. Eventually Kirishima thought it would help if she became a moving target and one that fought back. Bakugo actually liked that minor change in action.

The two of them kept at the dueling till Kirishima actually ended up flying into a nearby tree since her quirk no longer kept her feet dug into the earth. When she went flying Bakugo only thought oh shit! Please don't be hurt. Kirishima managed to harden her backside before making impact. When he noticed this he sighed in relief. "How about we take a little break to regain strength?" He said while handing Kirishima her water bottle. Bakugo then went to the edge where there was a mini valley with a fallen tree trunk as a bridge and sat down and looked out at the view there in front of him. Kirishima got up and walked over to sit at the little edge with Bakugo and enjoyed the view with him.

After a while of sitting in pure silence Bakugo calmly asked "What led you to um... Hurting yourself? If you don't mind me asking." Kirishima was shocked by the question to say the least, she looked at the sky and replied, "It was what I feel I deserve after being bullied all through my life. I also take my problems on with just myself." "Wait I thought Alien girl went to school with you? How come she doesn't know about this?" "She was in a different class than I was in and she knew very little of what I actually went through."

Ha ha loser!

You're so weak!

You can't be a hero! 

Weido !

Just go away already!


Those words all collected in her head all at once and she quickly stood up and took a few steps away from the edge and just broke down crying. "Why?! Why must I be so fucking weak?!" she yelled both visually and verbally distressed. Bakugo saw this unfold completely in front of him, so he went up to Kirishima and just put an arm around her and rubbed circles in her back not knowing exactly what to do. "Hey, listen to me when i saw this" he started, voice very soft "you are anything but weak. You literally took all of my explosions like a champ for at least an hour. Do you think any of your former bullies could withstand that as long as you did." She looked up at Bakugou and just hugged him tightly and mumbled "Thank you" and "No" into his chest still crying. He was shocked by her action but he didn't oppose it.

After a while of just Bakugo comforting Kirishima he spoke up, "Hey, how about we watch the sunset?" She just nodded and he got up to move the one log over to act as a bench even though it ended up supporting more like a back rest. Bakugo sat down and Kirishima joined him with her bloodshot eyes. She just sat there worn out and leaned on Bakugo watching the sunset. Bakugo stayed there hand on Kirishima's shoulder. After a couple of minutes, he started humming a random tune as the sun started to set. The sun set the two watched was strung across a vast horizon of colors of rich reds to deep and tantalizing purples.

After the beautiful sunset the two of them just watched the constellations above them and naming each one up there. After a while Kirishima started to get sleepy but didn't want to move or make it known as she dozed off into sleep with a smile on her face. It took Bakugo five minutes to notice this. He then grabbed his phone hoping not to wake her to message his mother.

Old Hag

Me: Hey Kirishima fell asleep so I'm going to just leave her on the couch when I get home.

Old Hag: Yay i really like her you are lucky it is a friday night. I'll leave extra pillows and blankets out

Bakugo located her phone and checked it to see if there were any messages but there weren't. He put both of their phones into his pocket and gently picked her up hoping not to wake her. He was almost home when she squirmed then hugged him as if he was a stuffed animal. He thought he woke you for a moment till he realized you were just having a bad dream. 

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