It's Okay, I'm Here

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When Kirishima woke up the next morning, she got up and went to her bathroom to get ready for school and bandage up her arms. While she was in the middle of getting ready for school she got a text but she just ignored it. By the time she was ready she had 3 missed calls and 20 unread messages. When she walked down stairs she saw that there was a figure sitting outside of the door. As she got closer she realized that it was Bakugo, so she opened the door and asked him "What are you doing here Bakubro?" he just let out a 'tsk' and walked into her house "To check on you dumbass." he said rather calmly. Kirishima was shocked by this calm demeanor. "Why did you need to check on me? I'm fine." she said, secretly pulling her sleeves securely over her bandages. Bakugo sighed "It's not like you to just run off and after what happened the other morning I wanted to make sure that you didn't... " He cut himself off after realizing what he was saying. "Hurt myself? Honestly I'm fine." Kirishima retorted.

After standing in the door archway silently for about five minutes Kirishima spoke up, "Well since you are here and we still have thirty minutes till we have to start on our way to school, want to have breakfast with me?" "Sure, you want any help with it?" he replied. "I got it, don't worry." she said with a smile. They then walked into the kitchen and Kirishima started getting everything together to make eggs and ramen. Kirishima didn't roll up her sleeves to cook and Bakugo and thought it was odd but didn't say anything. He just thought she seems happy right now... I don't want to mess that up. Kirishima finished cooking the eggs and ramen and gave Bakugo his helping and Kirishima sat at the island next to him to eat.

Once they were done eating they left Kirishima's house and made their way to school. Today just seemed to go like clockwork that was until lunch that is. The Bakusquad was all sitting at their table goofing off like usual Bakugo, Kirishima, and Mina on one side and Sero and Denki on the other side. It was all laughs from them till there was an announcement that the school grounds had been breached. Bakugo just 'Tch' and said "It's probably those dumb reporters from this moring." Kirishima looked at Bakugo confused "Wait, What! Th... There was re... reporters here th...this morning!" Mina let out a soft chuckle "Yeah, Kiri was your head in the clouds again?" Kirishima looked at Mina scratching the back of her neck, "Yeah, I guess it was." She said with a chuckle. The conversation got cut short when a hoard of students came running towards them and for the exit. Mina huddled with Denki and Sero and Kirishima with Bakugo. The group got split up in the chaos but Kirishima was still near Bakugo who was keeping her from getting trampled. Amongst the chaos Bakugo noticed that there were bandages on her arms and thought WHAT! Okay Katsuki calm down. Just talk to her later about it. It's not the main issue at task right now. Kirishima kept a tight grip onto Bakugo's arm to make sure she wouldn't get lost or trampled.

After all the craziness the student body was told to go home. Bakugo didn't want to go home, he just wanted to make sure that his best friend was okay, so he insisted to Kirishima that he could walk her home.

When the two got to Kirishima's house she turned around to say bye to Bakugo but he just invited himself in. "I have a bone to pick with you." He said in a bit of a scruffy voice, "I thought you said that you didn't hurt yourself" SHIT! was the only thought that went through her head and she went into the living room and sat down in defeat and Bakugo followed but he squatted down in front of her and took her hands. "Look at me, Ejiro." He said softly. She was shocked not only by his action but also what he said. "I'm so-" he cut her off "It's not your fault. I'm not mad at you." He said sweetly. "What do you mean you're not mad at me? Also it-" He cuts her off again "It's not your fault, it's the fault of your inner demons. I'm not mad at you, I'm just upset.The people I'm infuriated with are the ones who pushed you to your limit to do this to yourself." He said with caring eyes. A tear just rolled down her face and Bakugo just wiped it off. "Hey, it's going to be okay. It's going to be a process, but know you can talk to me. I will listen and understand." By this point more tears were falling down her face and Bakugo used his slightly rough hand to wiping them clear. She just hugs Bakugo and cries even more. He didn't expect this action but he went with it and comforts her softly rubbing circles into her back. "It's okay, I'm here for you. It's okay." he said softly as he was switching from squatting to sitting on the ground not letting this girl he cared for fall from his grasp as she slides from the couch to the ground.

The two stayed like that till Bakugo got a call from his mom, he looked at Kirishma and noticed that she had fallen asleep. Bakugo picked up the phone, "Old hag before you say anything keep it down Kirishima fell asleep." he said quietly. "Okay Katsuki, I was just calling to check where you were. Also, what happened with Kirishima that you're with her and she's asleep. Ar-" "No we aren't a thing, but I do care for her. Also as to why she is asleep, I'll tell you later. Could you by chance bring over one of your meals, enough for two and a change of clothes for me? I'm thinking of asking if I can stay the night since her parents haven't seemed to be home at all lately." "Sure thing Katsuki, it's nice to see you being a hero starting with the people closest to you." Mitsuki said like a proud mother. "So when do you want me to drop it all off and I'll need the address." "How about in twenty, and I'll send you the address via text." As he finished that last sentence he felt Kirishma's weight shift and he just patted her head. "Ok will do Katsuki, bye hun." with that Bakugo ended the call.

"Who was that?"Kirishima asked, still half asleep and hugging Bakugo. "My mom, also is it okay that I stay the night?" He replied. "Yeah sure, and thank you." she said with a half sleepy smile. The twenty minutes passed and Mitsuki got to Kirishima's place. Kirishima was making tea and talking with Bakugo like nothing had happened. When they heard the knock he knew exactly who it was so he got the door, "Hey Mitsuki!" Kirishima yelled from the kitchen "Bakugo why didn't you tell me she was coming over?" she said while going to the cupboard to get another tea cup. The three of them got talking for a little and then Mitsuki took her leave. Bakugo and Kirishima went to the living room and sat on the couch and just talked and watched tv for the rest of the night. Eventually Kirishima fell asleep on the couch and Bakugo didn't want to disturb her so he ventured up to her room and grabbed her phone charger and a blanket and pillow of hers and tucked her in and plugged in her phone. He then turned off the tv and plugged his phone in and made himself comfortable on the floor with the pillow and blanket she'd given him earlier. "You are so much stronger than you think you are." he whispered while looking at her before going to sleep.

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