Thank You for Being Here for Me

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The next morning Bakugo woke up with Kirishima's head on his chest 'Ei, you look at peace' he thought. Bakugo didn't want to move Kirishima and leave her alone like the night prior. He just laid there quietly with his one hand on Kirishima's back, while scrolling on his phone that was nearby.

When Kirishima woke up she didn't remember what happened the night prior right away or that Bakugo was near, when she yawned and stretched she accidentally hit Bakugo in the face. He only let out a small grunt and a soft chuckle. "Well, good morning to you too, Kiri." With that  Kirishima was brought back into real time and her memories from the night prior came back. Kirishima got really worried in that moment, "OMG! Bakugo I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you!" She said as she shot up. "It's fine and at least your quirk wasn't activated." Bakugo paused, "Now you, go to your bathroom and get ready for the day, I'll make breakfast. Also, no and I mean no looking at your phone, got it?" Kirishima nodded as she got up to head to her room. Which then, in hand let Bakugo get up to go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When the two were eating Bakugo spoke up, "Have you thought about going to see a doctor or therapist about your mental health?" Kirishima essentially ignored him "I'll take that as a no... Don't worry I'm not taking you anywhere like that, we are going to go hiking." With that statement Kirishima perked up, "Really, Where?" Bakugo had to think for a minute "I was thinking of Mount Ono." With that we had an excited Kirishima and a calm Bakugo. The two first years were finishing their meals.

Once the two got ready to go, Bakugo made sure Kirishima didn't have her phone and that she had bandages on right, to help prevent infection. Bakugo made sure to let Kirishima know if she wanted to take any photos to let him know and that she could use his phone.

When the two got to the train stop they had to wait a little for the train. Although in the meantime the two got to overhear an unnerving conversation. "Hey look, it's the red haired wannabe hero." the first person said, making Bakugo clench his fist but he told himself not to act. "I know right, that freak honest might as well just drop out and try to do something good for society... like you know, just die! Haha" the second person retorted. With that Bakugo was pissed but he didn't want to say anything to get Kirishima into more issues so he just looked at Kirishima and he knew just by her face that she heard them both. "Hey, here comes our train, Kiri. Also don't listen to them, okay?" Kirishima just nodded, blinking back tears. When the two got on the train the bullies luckily didn't follow. Bakugo managed to find Kirishma a seat on the train so he just stood in front of her, their bags between the two of them.

When they got to their stop the two of them got off and started walking to a bus stop that would take them to Mount Ono. The two didn't have to wait long to get on the bus. Although the bus ride would be a half hour. Kirishima asked if she could listen to music off of Bakugo's phone so he gave her an ear bud and his phone, already open on Spotify so she looked up her account a played one of her favorite playlists.

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

The ending of Fix You stuck in Bakugo's head as the next song started. 'Something tells me this harassment has been going on for a couple years now' Bakugo thought to himself. As he finished his thought they got to their stop. When they got off the bus he messaged his mom that they were at Mount Ono. Bakugo and Kirishma got their bags onto their backs and Bakugo put his phone into his pocket. "Ready to take in nature and clear your head?" Bakugo asked, "Totally, thank you for this." she replied.

As the two started their hike Kirishima started acting like an energetic child. This made Bakugo smile knowing that she was currently in a better state of mind. She was a little bit ahead of Bakugo and was pointing out everything she saw that she thought was interesting or things she didn't know what they were. "Hey, hey, Katsu! Look at this snake!" she said as pointing at the snake slithering away. "Cool, do you want to take a water break up here at the next plateau?" He said remembering the last time they took a drink.

When they got to the plateau, they got out their waters and Bakugo gave Kirishima a granola bar as he took a bite out of his own. "Here, you should replenish some nutrients." "Thanks Katsu, for taking me on this hike and the bar. This place is really nice. We need to do this with the whole group sometime." Bakugo just chuckled a little. "Sorry, but I think we would lose Denki or Sero." Now it was Kirishima's turn to laugh. The two soon finished their bars and put the wrappers into their bags to make sure not to litter. They only had one kilometer to do to make it to the top of the trail. Kirishima and Bakugo made small talk about their surroundings as they went and played some ispy. Kirishima often stopped and asked Bakugo for his phone to take pictures or if he could get a picture of her in front of or with something. When the two got close to the top of the trail Kirishima got really excited seeing all of the scenery below. It made Bakugo really happy knowing that she was completely present in the moment and that she was happy.

When the two got to the top of the trail it was almost 12, so they decided to take out their lunches and eat, using a flat rock at a table. "This view is beautiful! I've never seen anything like it!" Kirishima exclaimed. "Well, I guess I'll have to take you hiking again sometime." Bakugo replied. "Definitely, this really helped me clear my head. Especially after last night and earlier at the train station. Also, thank you for being here for me." This only made Bakugo smile, "Of course, we're best friends and I care about you." The two finished eating their lunches and Kirishima wanted to get a picture with Bakugo with the view that they were surrounded by.

Although during that whole time two phrases hung in the air

'Thank you for being here for me'

'I care about you'

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