Just Another Day

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Kirishima woke up on a couch but not one at a house she immediately recognized. Once her eyes adjusted she realized she was at Bakugo's house. Eventually she saw her phone on the coffee table near the couch but she just left it there as she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Much to her surprise, when she walked into the kitchen she saw Bakugo was up making breakfast. "Good morning Bakubro! Whatcha making?" she asked, still a bit sleepy. "Breakfast, idiot." he retorted "It's what I do every morning. Could you get some plates from the cabinet above and left to the sink?" "Um... sure. It smells really good by the way." she said, going to get the plates.

Bakugo finished making breakfast while talking about things coming up in classes with Kirishima. "So do you want me to walk you home or do you want to train again today?" Kirishima only looked up from her food "I can train some more today. Also sor-". "Don't even finish that sentence. It's not your fault that the voices in your head got too loud. Also have you ever thought about seeing a therapist to talk to about the bullying situation?" he cut off. She just sat there with a blank expression. Why would he suggest that, doesn't that mean I'm weak! As if reading her mind he replied, "You know that asking for help doesn't make you weak right. Hell after the sludge monster attacked me on the last day of middle school I was referred to therapy. Even though it only worked for me for about three weeks, look at me now I'm stronger." Kirishima just nodded and got back to eating.

The rest of breakfast went by quietly. Bakugo's mom and dad eventually came down and ate breakfast and had small talk with Kirishima. She then helped with cleaning up after breakfast. Bakugo went into the living room and saw that her phone was on the coffee table still. He just shrugged and just walked to his room to get changed for another day of training. While changing he got thinking that Kirirshima would possibly like to freshen up. He walks out of his room and down to the living room to where she now was staring at her phone with a face of defeat. Bakugo immediately noticed this and spoke up "Hey lets go, I got thinking that you might want to freshen up so lets get going before my old hag starts nagging me." Kirishima couldn't help but let out a light chuckle.

The two teens left his house and made their way to Kirishima's house. When they got there Kirishima went right into the kitchen to see if her mother or father left anything except there was nothing moved or displaced from where they were yesterday before she left. She then just wrote a short note letting her parents know of her whereabouts for the day for whenever they made it home. Bakugo also noticed that nothing changes in the main level of the house since the day before, which made him start to question some things. From there she quickly went up and got freshened up. When she came down the stairs she had a small bag with her, "Thought I'd be actually prepared this time." This made Bakugo smile. The two then left Kirishima's house.

When the two made it to the training spot they started stretching. Bakugo and Kirishima were showing each other stretches they typically did. They ended up stretching for about an hour. They started to do some endurance and strength exercises for about another two hours. They eventually took a break to get a breather and drink more water. Kirishima just laid down on the ground and just looked up at the peaceful sky. She started to softly sing.

Would you believe your eyes

If ten million fireflies

Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they fill the open air

And leave teardrops everywhere

You'd think me rude but I would just stand a stare

Bakugo heard Kirishima singing, recognizing the song. He started to smirk thinking that she was actually relaxed and smiling. He went back and started to stretch his arms and hands.

I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

Kirishima remembered that she was here to train with Bakugo and she wasn't alone. She sat up quickly and just drank some water. Bakugo just chuckled at this action. "You ready to spar now?" "Yeah" she replied, getting up off of the ground. "Ok, let's do some basic hand to hand combat in case we are ever in the situation where we can't use our quirks." He said getting into his stance. Kirishima then followed suit. The two then subsequently started practicing hand to hand combat.

They kept fighting for a good two hours that went by pretty quick. "How about we pause and take a lunch break." Bakugo offered Kirishima just nodding in agreement "I don't have a lunch though." she stated. Bakugo just dug into his bag and grabbed out two sandwiches and tossed one at Kirishima. "I had figured you didn't." "Uh... Thanks Bakubro, but you really didn't have too." "Just take it and shut up. Also don't you say a word to the other extras about my kindness." Kirishima just nodded while taking a bite of her sandwich.

The rest of their training went by just as it did the day before up until Kirishima was getting a call. It was an unknown number. Apparently her one former bully got her number from somewhere. "Yo weirdo! Remember no one will ever love you and you will never be a hero!" with that the bully hung up. Tears started welling in her eyes as she quickly grabbed her things and started running home. Bakugo saw and heard it all and he was shocked to say the least. He didn't know whether he should follow her or not. Kirishima got a couple messages when she was almost home but she was too distressed to even care to check them. She got home and went to her room and grabbed her blade from her dresser and ran to her bathroom...








For each thought there was a consequence. The more she went on the more she cried. Once she was out of tears to cry she got a shower cleansing off the dirt, blood, sweat, and her mind.

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