Is it Ever Going to Change?

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 The next morning Kirishima woke up to a few new notifications from the group chat and Bakugo. 

Future Hero Gang

Pinky: Morning Guys!!!

Boom Boom Man: Oi! Why are you up so early!

Pinky: Just because I stayed up all night watching this new anime

Boom Boom Man: Well, why are you texting the group chat at 4 in the morning!!

Pinky: Like you have much to talk you are up too!

Boom Boom Man: That's because I wake up to go for a run early!!!


Bukugo: Morning, just a reminder we are training together after school today and if you need anyone to talk to you have me and the other extras.

'Wow guess I didn't miss much' Kirishima thought as she got her things to take a shower. While in the shower she decides that she will go for a light jog this morning. Once she was done with shower she tied up her hair and got dressed for her jog putting her school clothes out on her bed for when she gets back and then she goes down to make her fruit smoothie. After her fruit smoothie was made she set it in the fridge and got her shoes on for her jog.

While on the jog Kirishima accidentally bumped into someone, she apologized and the next thing she knows she is on the ground. An old classmate had pushed her down, "Wow, what a pitiful sight! No one like you could be a hero! And I mean NO ONE!" they yelled. The former classmate was about to hit Kirishima when they heard some shout "Oi!" in the distance. The former classmate just tsk and punched Kirishima in the jaw causing her to spit out blood and run off. The voice that shouted was none other than Bakugo himself, he sped up his jog once he saw Kirishima get punched.

Once Bakugo got to Kirishima he held out his hand, "You ok there shitty hair, also where did that bastard go!" Kirishma got pulled up by Bakugo "I'm fine, I'm used to it!" Kirishima replied. Bakugo just tsked "Why were you out here in the first place? And how did you end up in that situation?" She just looked at Bakugo "Well I was out for a jog and bumped into one of my former classmates and quite frankly it was one of my bullies." Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Why didn't you use your quirk when they punched you?" "Um..." Kirishima paused "I was sidetracked." "Whatever lets just get some ice on that before it swells up" Bakugo replied.

Bakugo and Kiri walk back to Kirishima's house "Thanks Bakugo for walking me back home but I could have walked by myself." "I know I just wanted to make sure you got back home safely. Speaking of I'm walking with you to school so I'll be back so go get ready." Kirishma goes to her freezer and grabs an ice pack and holds it on where she got punched and went upstairs to get ready for school.

•Time Skip•

The door bell rings and Kirishma knows that it is Bakugo already so she does one last look in the mirror before she got her things to leave. When Kirishima got outside Bakugo was just leaning his back on the side of the door frame looking at his phone. "You got everything Shitty Hair?" Bakugo asked. Kirishima just nods her head and starts walking towards school and Bakugo follows. Kirishima decided to speak up and mention that they are meeting up with Mina and the rest of the gang at the corner. Bakugo just shrugged his shoulders and put an earbud in his ear. The two teens walked in a comfortable silence the whole way to the corner and Kirishima was relieved that nothing had happened on the way there.

Within seconds, Mina yells "Hey Guys! Were you waiting long?" Just then Denki and Sero come running up into the three already standing at the corner. Once they all did their greetings they started on their way to school.

The Bakusquad got into class and just sat and just chatted till Aizawa came inching into the classroom wearing his sleeping bag. "Today class, we are going to the ground beta so get on your hero suits." Everyone got up, rushed over to grab their hero suits and headed to the locker rooms to change.

When everyone was done changing everyone made their way to ground beta. Kirishima looked down at her arms hoping no one sees her fresh wounds and that her makeup holds up so no one can see her fresh bruises. Kirishima decided to walk to ground beta with Mina, " Hey Mina, Wait up!" Once the two girls got to ground beta they met up with the rest of the Bakusquad. Bakugo looked at Kirishima with a questioning look as the other three were chatting, Kirishima noticed and looked at her arms then back up to Bakugo and mouthed "I'm hoping no one will notice or ask." Bakugo just nods in response. The Bakusquad kept talking till Aizawa and All Might started talking about what they are going to do today and they went to where they had to and all that.

•Minor Timeskip•

After the Villian v. Heroes training exercise, everyone went back to the changing rooms and got back into their school uniforms. Kirishima was relieved that no one noticed her arms. So once all the girls got changed they walked back to the rest of the classes together. The rest of the classes went by like clock work. Now it was the end of the day, which meant it was time to go home and get ready to train with Bakugo. As she was leaving she was surprised that he was waiting at the gate to walk her home. "Bakugo, why are you waiting here?" Kirishima questioned. "To walk you home, now lets get going." he said as he started walking ahead.

When they got to Kirishima's house Bakugo just waited to walk Kirishima over to his house since he knew she didn't know where he lived. When they got to Bakugo's house he yelled "Hey old hag! I'll be training with a friend." while he was heading up to his room while Kirishima stayed waiting in the main door way. His mom then walked out the kitchen and saw her and got the biggest smile, " Oh, you must be his friend! You seem like a very sweet girl." Kirishima just smiled "Um, thank you. Your house is really beautiful, Mrs. Bakugo." "Oh, please just call me Mitsuki. It's so nice the brat has good friends this year." 

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