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(3rd POV)

Nightmare was helping OP-bottom on food, GBH and Op-Panda get a few of the games and drinks ready.

The younger ones already left and Jef didn't want to be a part of it so it was the Op-muffins party.

It started at 8:15 pm after they ate the food. Laughter is heard through the whole house as they play, Truth or Drink.

"Okay Good, Truth or Dare?" Op-Bottom asked him.

"Dare." Good's response was fast but it was a start.

"I dare you to grab 4 random food items you see and eat it."

"easy."Good gets up and heads to the kitchen to come back with an apple, peanut butter, Carrot, and a banana. He at half of the four, he sucked it up, and the game continued. 

"Sap, Truth or Dare?"


"What is your biggest fear?"

"Nope." He took a sip of alcohol, and the boys laugh at him.  

"Night, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, I ain't no wuss."

"Alright, go put the maid outfit on."

"Fine." He gets up and walks to OP-panda's room and gets the maid outfit on, but kept his pants on. He walked out to the others laughing at him. "I hate you Sap. George, Truth or dare?

"Ohh, Hard to choose.." OP-Bottom joked. 

"Don't be a wuss like Sap." Good joked out. 

"Hey!"  He yelled. 

"Dare," George said to end the arguments. 

"Alright, I dare you to go to a random person, and say 'I AM THE KING OF MUSHROOMS!'"

"not happening." OP-bottom took his drink and looked at Op-Panda.

"Truth or dare, Sap." 


"I dare you to annoy the originals-"

"Easy" Op-Panda interrupted him. 

"Not so fast hotshot. You need to annoy them by a kazoo."

"Still easy" Op-Panda gets up and walks out of the house. We still continued the game while he did that.

"Hey so this won't get boring, let me get the game so we can have real fun," Op-bottom said as he gets his phone to look at the truth or dare game. "Alright...Nightmare...Truth or dare."

(Actual search, what you see beyond this point is from a search.)


"When was the first time you came?"

"Don't remember, so I'll drink." Night grabbed his glass and took a sip.

"Alright...Good, Truth or dare."


"Pull down your pants and let another  player spank you for 30 seconds."

"No." He drank.

"Op-bottom Truth or dare."

"Dare...alright let's see..re-enact your favorite porn...not happening." He drank. "Night, Truth or dare."


"Alright, but what is said you have to do. No wussing out."

"If I have to do the dare then the next few dares you have to do."

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