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(Nightmare's POV)

The stars at night shine bright, you could see in a far distance, yet at the same time, you can't.

"Night', are you and the human going to get along with the good one?" 

I looked at GoodBoyHalo. Don't be fooled by his name; he is no good boy. 

"Oh... umm, not sure." 

I looked back at the paper that was given to us; he sits beside me. 

"Well good or bad with the human. They can't be worse than us." Good smiled. 

"I am just 7, sap only a few years younger, then you and George are the oldest... How can we be worse?"


The home we grew up in, in flams. Yet I hold a matches packet, my friends stand outside with their belongings. I stand near the door, but far enough from the fire. 


I look at the friends that I trusted; they say I betrayed them... Well, they betrayed me first.  Except for Good, but he is on their side.  

"Yea... Friends..." 

I look at a photo that I held in my hands. It was us four.  

"THIS WAS OUR HOME!" George yelled.

They hate me. 

"Nightmare, get away from the house," GBH yelled. "It is far too dangerous to be near it."

It hit the other two, but I smiled at them, in my other hand was a mask. It was white with a black smile. 

"Bye guys," I yell. "Just know, I love you three like brothers..."

I run back inside.

(GoodBoyHalo's POV)

Nightmare ran inside, but it was too late to run after him. The entrance fell. 

"NIGHTMARE!!" We yelled.

No, no...please come back... 

"Boys, where is Nightmare? Why is the house on fire?" The caretaker of us four stands behind us. I look at the old lady.

"Gone... He is gone." George spoke. 

"I see... Sorry for your loss, but we can't save him. By the time the fire department gets here, the house will be gone, so will he." She speaks with kind words, yet she was sad as well. 

She took care of in a short amount of time, I might be the oldest, ahead of Op George, but Sapnap is the youngest. 

"N-night, gone?" Op Sapnap spoke.

I look at him and pick him up. He was only 5, but he will barely remember him. 

"Nightmare is not gone, he is missing. We'll find him soon. I promise." 

"Let's go boys. It will be difficult without Nightmare but let's not forget the future ahead of you boys. We'll miss him dearly if the police and fire department gets here soon, maybe we'll find him."

She grabbed Op Sapnap, rocking him to sleep. We hear the alarms, it was far, but it was coming. Please be okay Nightmare.


It has only been an hour, and the fire was out. George fell asleep on the caretaker. I could not sleep, I was too worried. The fire department came out holding something.

"What did you find, sir?" Caretaker asked. 

"Just this, nobody or anything." 

He holds out a broken white make, with a black smile. It was held together, but the crakes made me scared. I grabbed the mask from his hands, and tears fell. 

"N-nightmare..." I hold the mask close. I walk back to the caretaker, and she rubs my cheek. 

"He may still be alive, just don't give up." She smiles. 

I hate that smile. I hate everything about that smile. How can she smile, when Nightmare...

He smiled like that. . . . . 

I promise that I'll find you...

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