Who will win

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( I don't know how this court case really work so bare with me)

Elijah and Lauryn dad= Cole
Nanny = Lili
Coles Mom = Meredith

Scarlett POV
I wake to hear muffled cries coming from bathroom I see y/n
" Hey sorry did I wake you" she said
" Yeah but it's ok"
" I'm just nervous what if the judge agreed with him"
" Hey hey don't think like that you are the best mother for the kids and the judge is crazy to agree with him."
" Thank you Scar for everything we haven't even been dating a whole month, and you have done so much for me"
" No problem"
I walk out the bathroom into Lauryn and Elijah room they are still asleep
" I love these kids so much and I have even know them for whole week" I whisper to myself
I go down stairs to cook breakfast. I cook eggs, waffles, and toast them I fix the kids bottles for later on when they are with y/n mom. I get two bottles and walk upstairs and to my surprise they are awake.
" Hi my loves let's eat before momma come out"
I pick them and feed them then y/n walks in
" You didn't have to do that"
" I know you come have done it but you have so much on your plate and I thought I could take this off your hands if that's not a problem"
" I love you so much"
" That impossible I love you more than everything"
I burp them then take them into my and y/n room and we get them washed up and dressed in

 " Hi my loves let's eat before momma come out" I pick them and feed them then y/n walks in " You didn't have to do that"" I know you come have done it but you have so much on your plate and I thought I could take this off your hands if that's not...

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We walk down stairs to open the door for my mom who is watching the kids while me and scar go to court.
" Hi mom"
" HI sweetheart where are my babies at"
" They are on the couch with Scarlett"
" Is that the nanny"
" No that's my girlfriend"
" When did you get a girlfriend"
" Since two weeks ago"
" What"
" Yeah she was my client and now she's my girlfriend"
" Ok"
We walk in to see Scarlett playing with them.
" Scarlett this is my mom"
" Nice to meet your Mrs."
" Y/m/n"
" Nice to meet you Mrs y/m/n"
" Same to you"
" We should get going if we want to beat the traffic." I say

Time skip to court

We walk out the house and make our way to the court room.
" I present to you Judge Emma" the court reporter ( had to look that up and still don't know if it's right)
We walk in the court and it's gets start immediately after walking in.
" Your honor the father of my children is trying to take full responsibility of my kids because he had I leave them to much which is not true because I work 9 to 4:30then go home take care of them then work from home the rest of the day."
" Your honor the mother of my children has left the kids at home with the nanny on many occasions to go places." Cole says
" If I can Your Honor Cole leave the kids with her mom for hours at end and go partying which contains alcohol beverage."
" Is this true Mr Cole"
" Yes it is"
" Ms Y/n can I want to know who looks after the kids when you are at work or whatever."
" Your honor I have a nanny that comes and sitting with the kids when I'm at work."
"Y/n who's pays for the nanny."
" Me of course."
" Thank"
I sitting their nervous and my leg is shaking uncontrollably

Scarlett POV
I see y/n leg shaking
" Hey I'm here it's ok"
" I know I'm just scared" y/n says
I judge says we are taking a hour recess so the jury can make the finally answer.
Scarlett: " Come on let's call the kids"
Y/n: " I guess"
As we were walking out the judge calls us over to her to see her.
Judge Emma: " Y/n I want you to call the nanny and have her bring the children to the hearing."
Y/n: " I will call her and tell her to bring them,"
" Ok"

I was calling the nanny and telling her to bring the kids to the hearing.
" Hey lili I want to know if you can bring the kids to the hearing"
" Yes ma'ma can you text me the address"
" Sure"
Scarlett was looking a little sleepy so I told her to come here
" Come here"
She sits on my my lap and with minutes she was a asleep
" I love you" I kiss the top of her head
After forty minutes
Scarlett wakes up she see Lili pushing the kids towards us.
" Hi Lili sorry for spring this on you," I say
" No problem " Lili says
Scarlett sits up and take the kids out of their stroller
" Hi babies" Meredith says walking closer
" Give me my grandchildren"
" Give me a minute I have to feed them" I say
" They don't have a bottle I want to feed them"
" They do it's just-"
" You don't want me to feed my grandchildren"
" No it's just Lili forgot the milk-"
" How did she forget the milk? who forget the milk"
I see Lili start to look sad she was already upset with herself for forgetting the milk.
" First off stop cutting me off. Second she forgot it because she was in a rush I live 30 minutes from here and we have a hour break sooo and don't be rude to her."
I walk off with the kids, Scarlett, and Lili. I find I spot to feed them with only 20 minutes left. I found a spot sat down and fed them.
20 minutes later
We walk into the court room and the judge walks in.
" Ms. Y/N will write down how much the babies weighed when they were born and Mr Cole you do the same"
The babies weigh 3 pound 5 ounces they were born premature
You write down the weigh correctly but Cole said 3 pounds 1 ounce
" Ms Y/n you were correct but Cole you were off  by 4 ounces"
" What does that have to do with anything" Cole angry said
" You should know how much your babies weighed at birth" Judge says
" That is bullshit and you know it" Cole says
" Get out of my court room NOW"
" Ms Y/n you have been awarded full custody of your children but they have to see their dad twice a month is that ok"
" It's more than ok" you say overly excited
You walk out of the Cole room to see you smile and walk over to him and let him see his kids then you Scarlett and the kids make your way out of the court house.

Scarlett: "You did it babe"
Y/n: "I-"
Y/n: " You called me babe"
Scarlett: " Is that a bad thing"
Y/n: "No I love it just like I love you"
Scarlett: " I love you too"

Don't judge I don't know what they do in court so if I got something wrong just tell me.... Thanks

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