He's here

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" baby you ready"
" yeah"
" Carson Chase Rose it's time"

I pull Scarlett clothes off and we get her into the pool

" babe can you get in"
" babeeeee"
" Please don't. Blood and water with a baby. Really"

" Zyla get your ass in there," Rose says
" why do I have to. Colin couldn't pull out so make him get there"
" We were in the moment"
" well bitch you couldn't pull out so get your in the bloody baby water"
" fine"
" Colin do not touch me"
( I'm sorry if I'm so mean to Colin just think Zyla got cheated on and Scarlett would be mad because she pregnant)

" fine fine I will get in"
" thank you baby"
" yeah your welcome"

I change into some shorts and a sport bra

" where do I sit"
" sit behind me baby"
" ok"

After I sit behind Scar I start to massage her back. She says it helps with her contractions. Now it's time to start push


The nurse said I can push when I feel a contraction. I'm scared this is my 4 child and I don't know if I can do it.

" I can't do this"
" Listen to me, baby. You are the strongest woman I know you gave birth to 3 wonderful children and with this baby, you can do this. I'm here you can do this I believe in you. Baby the soon we get him out the soon we meet him. After your finish, I will hold you all day."
" ok I can do this"
" you can do this baby"

" ok Scarlett when you feel a contraction push"
" ok baby can I hold your hand"
" of course princess"

I felt a contraction and I start pushing
" babe it hurts bad"
" I know baby. What can I do"
" you can massage her private part," the midwife said

Zyla massage my vagina and it helps a little

After 30 minutes of pushing his head is coming out

" babe you got this"
" I see the head keep pushing mama you got this"
" come on Scar," Colin says

I keep thinking after I'm finished I can meet my baby boy and Zyla will hold me.

" owwwww"
" I know baby you go this"
" I can't it hurts"
" baby you go this. His head is out"

After 25 minutes

Cosmo Jost - 6 pounds 6 ounces

I did it I gave birth to a handsome baby boy. He has my nose and mouth and he has Colin's eyes.

I see Zyla crying behind me and she finally gets out of the water and changes clothes then walks downstairs in tears. They look like happy tears but she left

" Hey baby come here"
She just looks at me and walked out

" Hey what's wrong with Zyla"
" I don't know I was talking to her when she was changing but she never responded she just looked"

Then we heard the garage door open and Zyla's car starts up. Did I say something or did I do something

Everyone washed their hands and we passed Cosmo around to meet his siblings and dad. While that was going on I text Zyla to see what was wrong but she didn't respond.

" ok mama it's time to feed the baby"
" Ok"
" we will wait outside," the twins say
" ok. Thank you for being here for me"
" no problem you're our mom. We could miss it"

After feed Cosmo, I put him to sleep. And I decide to call Zyla and she answers

" Hey baby"
" Hey Scarlett"
" Why did you leave"
" I don't know"
" did something happen"
" no"
" Are you coming back"
" no"
" why"
" I don't know Scarlett. I will talk to you later"
" I love you"
" I love you too. Kiss Cosmo for me"
" ok"

With that, we hang up

I kiss Cosmo then I fix all the bottles for the night then with that we went to bed.

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