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Request by NatashaRomanoffPOVS

Zyla POV

Today I just finished a court case I had been working on for a long time. I thinking I'm going to take Scarlett and the kids to an outdoor movie since they have been in the house since Cosmo was born.

I stop at the local flower shop and buy Scar some of her favorite flowers. I also brought the kids some cookies even though we have some at home. If I don't buy them something they will be mad all day.

With Cosmo being born my son had been different he doesn't talk to me or Scarlett. He only talks to Rose, Lauryn, the twin, and the nanny. If we talk to him he doesn't respond but if Rose says it he does it. Scarlett cries because she thinks Elijah doesn't like her, and she ruined their relationship.

But Lauryn on the other hand had been more loving toward everyone but me and Scarlett. She talkings to us but doesn't want us to hold her, kiss her, or put her to bed. It's really hard on us because Cosmo has most of our time.

That is why tonight we are taking the kids to the movies and Lili ( the nanny) will be staying with Cosmo.

I getting ready to pull into my driveway I see a car I haven't seen before so I decide to call Scarlett

Phone call

Zyla: hey babe who car is outside

Scarlett: hey just the nanny car

Zyla: I don't want to scare you but go in our room and lock the door

Scarlett: ok why is someone out there

Zyla: no just an unknown car. I just want to be safe

Scarlett: ok but you be safe too

Zyla: I will call you when I walk into the house

Scarlett: I love you

Zyla: I love you too

I pull into our driveway and call the security team to let them know there is an unmarked car in our driveway.

" Hey Rick I want to see if you guys can come and check out this unmarked car"
" Yeah what color is it"
" black with tinted windows"
" Zyla that the unmarked car we sent there 5 days ago. I call you and told you"
" I totally forgot when you called Cosmo had just threw up over Elijah and he was screaming and Cosmo was crying"
" it's ok"
" thank you for everything Ricky"

After the phone call with Ricky, I walk into the house and told Scar everything and she just laughed.

I put Cosmo down for a nap since it was only 2:30 and we had plans but now I had to convince the kids to come with me and Scar

" Hey babies"
" Hi," they both said
" We want to take you guys to the movies"
" Is Cosmo coming"
" no, he is staying"
" ok," they said and walked away

" Babe they hate me" Scarlett cried
" They don't hate you they just have a hard time getting used to it only being 4 us."
" what if they never talk to me again"
" babe you are overthinking calm down"

After that talk, we go upstairs and hear the babies talking about how they miss their dad

After that talk, we go upstairs and hear the babies talking about how they miss their dad

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After I text the final text. I had to go tell the kids the good news

" Hey babies"
" hi," they say so quietly
" so this weekend me, mommy, and Daddy are taking you guys to the Chuck E. Cheese."
" really daddy coming"
" Yeah and me and mommy"
" ok"
" can we finish playing with toys"
" yeah do you want me to play with you guys"
" no we just want to play"
" ok love you"
" love you too"

' They really hate me because we had Cosmo they never want to hug us, kiss us, or talk to us. That really hurts they only talk to Rose, Lili, Carson, or Chase' I thought to myself while walking into my office to finish some email

Half way into answer email my office door and in walk Scarlett half asleep

" Chase and Carson is watching Cosmo tonight so we can finally sleep"
" yeah but I have a few more email to open then we can good to bed"
" ok but can you hold me"
" of course princess come here"

By the time I was finish Scarlett was sleep and slightly snoring. I walk into our room to see Lauryn and Elijah sleep holding each. I lay scar down and Rose walks in.

" they what you guys to hold them because they accidentally walk in on Chase watching scary movie"
" my poor baby why didn't they come in my office"
" they mom walk in there so they decided to lay in your room"
" oh my gosh. Thank Rose. What are you doing tomorrow"
" nothing"
" can you take Cosmo to Colin so me and Scar can they them somewhere"
" of course"

I go do my night routine and when I was changing my clothes Elijah walks in and asked me to hold him.

We go back to bed he fell asleep and so after I fell asleep too

Thank you guys for being patient with me - 💗

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