the brunette

250 10 4

nagito's pov

I tugged at the stupid binder on my chest, waking up as the curtains sheathed small rays of sunlight onto my back.

I had kept the binder on- in hopes i'd die from not being able to breathe as I slept... though it was only unsafe and very unlikely- no luck with that.

And so, my usual routine began. Take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, take meds, and take vitals. I would have thought having dementia would already be enough to hurt me- but I force myself to take the medicine- to take care of myself. I don't know why- why I tell myself to not give up when it's absolutely pointless.

I put on some ripped beige jeans, and my red and green sweater, adjusting my tie and putting on my suit-jacket. I'd already put my binder back on, though I most probably shouldn't have- but, as I said- I don't care about it.

I packed my bag with my usual belongings for school and myself, and walked out the door of my dorm.

There were two sides of Hopes Peak. The Main Course, and the Reserve Course. I was put into the main course, all for a worthless talent of luck.

I was walking to class, only to see a brunette boy bump into me as he was running. He was apart of the reserve course- and I could only feel a sharp pain in my chest.

I coughed, catching my breath as if I was deflated. "W-kh-Watch where you're going, reserve.."

I looked at the brunette, rubbing his head and sitting up on the ground. "Ah- s-shit I know, i'm so sorry i-"

I stubbornly held out my hand as he gazed into my eyes, confused. He shook his head and took my hand as I helped him up.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I hesitantly cleared my throat. "Komaeda Nagito." I answered.

"Aha.. Thank you, Komaeda." He said, giving a gentle smile.

"No.. problem.." I said. The Reserve Course waved to me and walked off, not even giving me his name. I sighed, and walked along my way to class.


A/N: Helloo! Sorry this is short, but I hope you enjoy reading and hopefully I can complete this book! <3

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