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nagito's pov

School was finally over.

I took a deep breath as I walked to my dorm, starting to change blindly into my work uniform. It was black jeans, a turtleneck, and an apron. I worked at a popular café, no one really talks to me, so that's why I took the job. I like being alone- peace and quiet for the most part.

I walked in, tying up my hair into a ponytail. I was greeted by my co-worker, Kamukura Izuru. He was also quiet, but he's one of the only people I trust. I started going to water all of the plants- until I saw someone come in. I froze completely still.

It was.. the same brunette boy from this morning.

He looked at Kamukura, smiling. "Hey Izuru! How's work going for you?"

"Hello, Hajime. It's doing fine.." Kamukura answered.

I shook my head, confused on the first-name basis and went back to watering the plants before walking behind the counter. Hinata looked at me. "Oh, aren't you that guy from this morning? Komaeda, was it?"

I silently nodded, elbowing Kamukura below the counter.

"Oh! Then you must know my brother. It's so cool that you work here."

Brother..? Kamukura never told me about this?

"I didn't ever get your name.." I said, words practically falling from my mind, out my mouth.

"Oh, my name's Hinata. Hinata Hajime." he said, giving me another dorky smile of his. I forcefully smiled back.

"Nice to meet you, Hinata." I said, my voice softening. Kamukura glanced at me with a very slight smirk.

I sighed and went to the back, fiddling with flowers and cleaning coffee beans off the floor. I heard footsteps behind me. It was Hinata, again.

"I- I wanted to say, i'm sorry if I made you irritated or if you missed class because of me- or just a really bad first impression-" Hinata said, rambling on.

Why-? Why is he apologizing? Why won't he stop talking to me? I can't deal with this Reserve Course student. It's a waste of my time-

I felt myself shake, my heartbeat getting faster and louder in my ears as the broom in my hand fell to the floor. I coughed, my lungs giving up on me for the moment. I felt the world fade before me as I fell to ground, yelling from the brunette coming afterward.


I woke up to feel a weight off my chest, laying on a towel in the storage room, it seems. I sat up and tried to grab my bag- but it was gone.

Kamukura came into the room, Hinata sitting outside the door, sleeping.

"Komaeda." Kamukura scolded.

"I know- I-I know- " I said, lightheaded.

"You aren't putting that back on until tomorrow, I thought you would get this in your head.." He said, sighing.

"Whatever.." I sighed. I steadily got up and put back on my apron.

I walked over to Hinata, telling Kamukura I'd close the café. He nodded and left. I stuffed the binder into my bag as I sat next to the sleeping brunette. I tapped onto his shoulder, barely waking him up.

"Come on.. we gotta go.." I whispered. He nodded as he slumped onto my shoulder.

I didn't really know where to go, so I walked him to my apartment. He passed out onto my bed as I went to change. I softly scooted him over and laid down, and- I fell asleep.

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