so anxious

161 8 25

nagito's pov

We stayed like this for a while, melting into eachother's touch- but then I felt Hinata slightly pull up my shirt. I flinched and slapped his hand away. I completely forgot about my binder.

"O-Ow.." He said, biting on my neck as a response. I jolted as I stuffed my face into his hair- feeling more anxiety.

"A-Ahm~, H-Hinata st-op-" I whimpered. Hinata gasped slightly and pulled himself away.

"Oh my god- I'm an asshole- I should have asked, I'm so sorry.." He said frantically.

I shook my head. "No- No it's fine- i'm just.. nervous-" I said, my voice beginning to shake.

"Nervous about what? You can tell me anything, Ko. If you don't want to- I respect that." He reassuringly asked.

I took a deep breath. He's not like my parents- i'm sure he dosen't care- and I bandaged the cuts I made- It's fine- you can do this..

"...I'm trans." I said- my eyes watering- I wanted to cry so much- I felt scared- terrified. Yet- Hinata pulled me into an embrace. My eyes widened as I began sobbing into his shoulder.

He looked shocked, but the words that came out his mouth were suprising to me.

"..You think I care about that, Nagito? You're a guy no matter what body you have- I'm still gonna love you no matter what.." He said- softly playing with my hair. "Please.. I hate to see you cry, Ko..."

I squezzed tighter onto him. I felt so happy- being able to get it off my chest. I kissed him again, smiling. "You...have n-no idea... how much this means to me, reserve..." I said, chuckling a bit.

He kissed back, holding my hand. I rubbed my thumb over his as we intertwined again. I didn't feel so alone anymore- I loved him. He loved me. That was all I could ask for- to be loved. Even if he was talentless.


Hinata laid me onto the bed- asking for consent to take off my outer clothes. I nodded nervously, leaving me in my black binder and grey boxers- doing the same to himself. He left kisses all around my chest.

"You're so beautiful, Ko... I hope you see that too.. mmph... you look amazing..~" He praised. I didn't see it in myself- but his praise made me so happy.

"Nobody has ever complimented me before..." I spoke softly, my breath hitching.

I held his hand as he explored my front, somewhat bare body. I still felt nervous-

"Hey.. Hinata-?" My breath hitched.

He cocked his head up, crawling so I could see him face-to-face. "Yeah, Ko?"

I blushed at the small nickname he gave me, but I looked to my side, seeing our hands interlocked.

"...I just want to stay like this, I don't think i'm ready yet.." I sighed, hinting at the sexual tension. Hinata nodded.

"I'm completely fine with that, as long as you're comfortable." He cooed, kissing my cheek. I slid my other hand to his cheek, caressing it with my thumb as we kissed again, our hands growing tighter. I heard the muffled music in the bathroom.

I hugged onto him. pulling him down with me. We scooted up on the bed, cuddling close as the light was turned off, the dorm going silent from the playlist ending. I laid on Hinata's chest as he played with my hair.

"Night, Nagito.."

"..Night, Hajime.."

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